Bulbagarden Archives

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 22:48, 13 June 2011 by MisterE13 (talk | contribs)
Bulbagarden Archives

Bulbagarden Archives' logo, the same as the Bulbapedia logo, but gray and partially transparent
Language English
Status Active
Run 2005 - Present
Date opened April 10, 2005
Creator Zhen Lin
Current owner {{{owner}}}
Forum BMGf
Mascot BulbaBot
Website Main Page

Bulbagarden Archives, often referred to as simply the Archives, is a digital repository for images and texts, primarily from Pokémon canon. Its editors are able to upload picture files for use for the whole of Bulbagarden to use. Both Bulbapedia and Bulbanews use images from the Archives to add visual aids for articles and various pages. The website was launched on April 10, 2005 by Zhen Lin. It continues to grow daily and aims to be a successful and organized source for images for the Bulbagarden network.

Images stored on the Archives are generally copyrighted works used under the fair use doctrine. They include screenshots from the anime, sprites from the games, official artwork, screenshots from the games, scans of the manga, Trading Card Game and books, photographs of the Trading Figure Game and other merchandise, and many other kinds of images. The Archives formerly hosted personal images for users to use in their user namespace; they were deleted at the end of May 2011.


Main article: a:Archives:Staff

Maverick Nate was the first real Editor-in-Chief of Bulbagarden Archives, and remained in this role until early 2011 when Jello took over the role as Archives Director.

Bulbagarden Archives is overseen by an Advisory Council, headed by the Archives Director, that collaborates on all executive decisions, including the making of policies. There are also many staff members who oversee the day-to-day running of the site.


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