Kecleon Shop

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Kecleon Shops (Japanese: カクレオンのおみせ Kakureon Shop) are locations in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. They exist to assist players through their game by offering various food items, TMs, and other goods. Items can also be sold to the Kecleon.

They are found in Pokémon Square (Red and Blue Rescue Team), Treasure Town (Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky), and the town in Blazing, Stormy, and Light Adventure Squad!. They are also found in dungeons in all of the games.

In towns

File:Kecleon Shop.png
The Kecleon Shop in Treasure Town

The Kecleon Shop is run by two Kecleon brothers. The younger, green Kecleon runs the Kecleon Shop (Japanese: カクレオンしょうてん Kakureon Store), which sells various items and foods. The older, purple Kecleon runs Kecleon Wares (Japanese: カクレオンせんもんてん Kakureon Specialty Shop). This shop sells TMs, Wonder Orbs, and Keys.

In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, the Kecleon Shop is the closest building to the Team Base, while in Time, Darkness, and Sky, the shop is near the center of Treasure Town. The shop is where the main characters meet brothers Marill and Azurill in all three. In the WiiWare games only the younger brother is at the shop.

In dungeons

File:Kecleon shop dungeon rb rescue.png
A dungeon shop in Red Rescue Team

There is a chance of encountering Kecleon Shops in Mt. Blaze, Frosty Forest, Magma Cavern, Mt. Faraway, Western Cave, Northern Range, Pitfall Valley, Wish Cave, Desert Region, Wyvern Hill, Joyous Tower, Purity Forest, Oddity Cave, and Remains Island. The shop is made up of a number of carpeted tiles on the floor, which have various items on them.

The items sold range from Oran Berries to rare TMs and Orbs. Variety increases with game progress; after unlocking Luminous Spring, evolutionary items will occasionally be sold. This is the only other way to get evolutionary items in the game, apart from completing rescue missions. There will be a Kecleon standing on one of the tiles (unlike in the town, there is only one Kecleon). When the player steps on a carpeted tile, the music changes and the player is greeted by the Kecleon. To buy an item, the player must pick it up and talk to the Kecleon to pay for them. To sell items, the player simply places them on shop tiles, and then talks to Kecleon to receive the money. Items available in these shops are sometimes very rare and almost never available from the Kecleon Shop in Pokémon Square or Treasure Town. If the player picks them up and leaves the carpeted area, Kecleon will warp to the player's side, demand payment and/or offer money for sold items. If the player refuses to pay or tries to pay with insufficient funds, the Kecleon will label the player a thief (which will get the attention of nearby enemies) and attack the player, while other Kecleon appear to battle the player. Using a Trawl Orb has the same effect, as Kecleon shop merchandise is counted among the floor's unclaimed items. Nearby enemies can also throw Warp Seeds at the team's leader before having the time to pay, which is considered as shoplifting. If a Warp Scarf activates before paying for the merchandise, it will be considered as stealing. Using the moves Teleport, Memento, Lunar Dance or Healing Wish in a Kecleon Shop counts as theft, since the user warps out of the shop because it only has 1 HP left. Also, an explosion resulting from Selfdestruct, Explosion, Aftermath, or a trap will destroy any nearby items, including Kecleon shop merchandise, which Kecleon counts as a theft.

Effects of theft

After the player steals from a Kecleon Shop, a number of changes will take effect immediately, and will not wear off until the player reaches the next floor or somehow escapes the dungeon.

  • The background music will change.
  • Escape Orbs will become useless.
  • Attempts to complete a rescue mission on the same floor will fail. However, retrieving an item from an outlaw will allow the team to escape the dungeon in a perfectly normal fashion.
  • The Kecleon shop itself becomes no different than ordinary ground, aside from its appearance.
    • Items that remained unsold at the time of the theft become regular items and can be picked up by passing wild Pokémon.
    • Placing items on a Kecleon shop tile will not result in a sale.
    • Placing the stolen items back on the Kecleon shop tiles will not result in any leniency or forgiveness.
  • The Kecleon that ran the market will turn hostile and begin attacking the player.
  • The Kecleons will be of a high level making them very hard to bet.
  • Best plan if thinking about theft is too know where the stairs are.
    • Additional Kecleon will spawn and join the original Kecleon. These Kecleon have abnormally high stats, are at level 90, and are constantly at double speed. However, defeating them is the only possible method of recruiting a Kecleon.
    • If the player is knocked out by a Kecleon, all items in the bag will be turned into Plain Seeds.

(Note) Other Kecleon shops may still appear on higher/lower floors.


Dungeon shop glitch

Main article: List of minor glitches

In Red and Blue Rescue Team, an unlimited amount of Poké can be obtained from a dungeon shop by quicksaving the game after putting an item on the ground but before talking to the Kecleon.

False thief glitch

Main article: List of minor glitches

In Explorers of Time and Darkness, if a wild Pokémon is knocked out on a Kecleon shop and drops an item, the item is picked up like usual, but this will be considered as stealing. Even talking to Kecleon before leaving the shop won't do anything, as it wasn't set as a Kecleon shop item. This glitch was fixed in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.

Kecleon glitch

Main article: List of minor glitches

In Red and Blue Rescue Team, the Kecleon in a dungeon shop can be made to follow the team around and behave as a team member, but will not follow the team onto the next floor. The glitch is performed by using a Pass Scarf to make a wild Pokémon damage the Kecleon.

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