Dwebble was first seen when Ash and company were on their journey towards Nacrene City in A Home for Dwebble!. Dwebble was busy making its house out of a rock, which Ash, Cilan and Iris were observing, but three more Dwebble appeared, attacked it and stole its rock, before escaping. Dwebble tried to chase after them but failed. Ash and the others witnessed the scene, and they tried to help Dwebble, but it was scared of the group and attempted to run off. Pikachu tried to assure it, but the Rock Inn Pokémon Dwebble mistook Pikachu for an enemy and attacked the Electric Mouse Pokémon with Slash. Pikachu dodged its attack and Dwebble struck a rock instead. A piece of the rock flew off and hit Pansage on the head. Dwebble felt bad and apologized to him. The gang tried to help it but Dwebble did not want any help and ran off. However, the group helped anway, with Ash's Pidove searching from the sky and Pansage looking underground with Dig.
It later returned to the group and Cilan invited it to have dinner with them. During dinner, Pansage collapsed from a fever to which Ash suspected was caused by the rock that hit him earlier. Dwebble becomes overwhelmed with guilt. It later watched over Pansage as it slept and soon fell asleep right beside him. The next day, after Pansage had recovered, Dwebble decided to search for its rock. With the help of the gang, it defeated the other three Dwebble and got its rock back. Later, after the group said their goodbyes and started to walk away, Dwebble began to follow them wanting to be a part of Cilan's team. Cilan, saying that Dwebble was the perfect Pokémon for him, subsequently agreed and captured it.
In Oshawott's Lost Scalchop!, Dwebble fashioned a giant scalchop out of stone for Ash's Oshawott to use in place of the one he lost. At first, the scalchop was way to heavy for Oshawott to carry, much less use it in battle. It took some training, but Oshawott was able to use the scalchop successfully. However, it was destroyed during Ash's rematch with Stephan and his Blitzle.
In BW040, Dwebble battled against Trip's Gurdurr in a tournament held by Raimon Town's Don George. It struggled at first, having its rock damaged by Gurdurr. After using Shell Smash and weakening Gurdurr with Rock Slide, it defeated the Muscular Pokémon with its Slash, thus advancing Cilan to the second round. Later, it repaired its rock that was damaged by Gurdurr.
Personality and characteristics
Dwebble can be described as a little Pokémon with a lot of heart. When its rock that it had worked hard on was stolen from it, it stopped at nothing to try and get it back, despite being outmatched and overpowered. Out of pride, Dwebble did not want the dedication it took to make its home to be in vain and it refused to make a second one. It has also been shown to be fearful of humans at first. Dwebble is also a very caring Pokémon as seen when it stayed up to watch after Pansage. On top of all that Dwebble is smart and resourceful, using great tactics to win back its home.