Pokésav is a program that edits Pokémon Diamond and Pearl saved games, developed by a Japanese programmer named COM. It will work with any Pokémon Diamond or Pearl save file, including those backed up from a commercial cartridge using a cheating device such as the Gameshark Duo. The application can also export Action Replay DS codes, which when activated will provide the same effects in-game as editing the save file.
With Pokésav, players can edit nearly every aspect of the game including Pokémon and their movesets, the inventory, and in-game records. Because of this, many people consider it to be a "hacking" program used to gain an unfair advantage in competitive play. Creating a Pokémon of any caliber may only take a few minutes with the use of Pokésav, whereas it may take hundreds of hours to legitimately breed and train the same Pokémon. This brings up questions as to whether the use of the program is ethical.
To combat the usage of programs like Pokésav, Nintendo has banned the use of all Pokémon they detirmine to be "hacked" from online play. This includes such Pokémon with impossible movesets or abilities, such as a Spiritomb with Wonder Guard or a Flying Raichu. However, sometimes Nintendo's servers cannot differentiate edited Pokémon from trained Pokémon, so these legitimate looking Pokémon are always let through.