Omastar (Communication Evolution Campaign promo)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
This article is about a Pokémon Trading Card Game card which has not yet been officially released in English. As such, this article may contain translated Japanese terms instead of English terms.

Omastar LV.36
オムスター Omstar

Illus. Yukiko Baba
Evolution stage
Stage 2 Pokémon
Evolves from Omanyte
Card name Omastar
Type Water
HP 80
retreat cost
Japanese expansion Unnumbered Promotional cards
Japanese rarity Rare Holo
TCG GB2 set Promotion Card
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Omastar.

Omastar (Japanese: オムスター Omstar) is a Water-type Stage 2 Pokémon card. It is one of the Unnumbered Promotional cards.

Card text

Water Tentacle Grip
Flip a number of coins equal to the number of Water Energy attached to Omastar. For each heads, draw 2 cards.
WaterWaterWater Corrosive Acid
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. If tails, you can't use this attack during your next turn.

Pokédex data

Omastar - Spiral Pokémon
No. Height Weight
139 3'3" (1 m) 77 lbs. (35 kg)
Pokédex entry

Release information

In Japan, this card was 1 of 5 that could be obtained as part of the Communication Evolution Campaign, which began in April 1999. Participants who mailed an Omanyte card along with a copy of Bill's PC to MediaFactory during the campaign period would in turn receive copy of this card in the mail.


GB2 Promotion Card sprite
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori


  • The requirement of Bill's PC for the campaign led to the 5 available cards to become known colloquially as Masaki promos in reference to Bill's Japanese name.
  • Cards from the Extended Sheets are printed on glossy card stock, while those distributed as part of the Communication Evolution Campaign are printed on regular card stock.
  • Although the Communication Evolution Campaign cards are based on the concept that certain Pokémon have to be traded to evolve, Omastar's pre-evolved form, Omanyte, does not require to be traded in order to evolve in the Pokémon games.


This card's Pokédex entry comes from Pokémon Blue.

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.