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Orson (Japanese: オルニス Ornis) is a character of the day who appeared in A Relay in the Sky!.

Orson entered the Pokémon Sky Relay to retain his title as the defending winner. He entered with his male Starly, Staravia, and Staraptor. During the competition, he had his Pokémon stay mostly in second position.

By the third leg, only Orson's Starly and Ash's Noibat were in the running following Team Rocket's sabotage attempts. The Pokémon passed through a valley with strong wind currents, and while Noibat was blown away, Orson and Starly were fully prepared for this. Orson had Starly fold his wings, so that he could nosedive through the valley. Noibat was able to recover however, and a head-to-head race to the finish unfolded between him and Starly. Starly was ultimately victorious as he finished by a noselength, giving Orson the win.


Orson's Starly
Debut A Relay in the Sky!
Voice actors
Japanese Chinatsu Akasaki
English Sarah Natochenny

Starly is one of Orson's Pokémon.

He was used in the Pokémon Sky Relay. Starly was the third Pokémon to be used by Orson, and took over the ribbon from Orson's Staraptor. He started in second position, right after Ash's Noibat. He stayed in this position, until they flew over a valley with strong wind currents. While Noibat was blown away, Orson and Starly were prepared for this. Orson had Starly fold his wings, and as such he was able to nosedive through the valley. However, Noibat was able to recover itself, and a head-to-head race to the finish unfolded. Starly was ultimately able to win by a noselength, winning Orson the competition.

None of Starly's moves are known.

Orson's Staravia
Debut A Relay in the Sky!
Voice actors
Japanese Kensuke Satō
English Sarah Natochenny

Staravia is one of Orson's Pokémon.

He was used in the Pokémon Sky Relay. Staravia was the first Pokémon to be used by Orson. He was able to stay behind Ash's Fletchinder in second position. He briefly took over the lead until it was taken over by an Altaria and was successfully able to deliver his ribbon to Orson's Staraptor for the second leg.

None of Staravia's moves are known.

Orson's Staraptor
Debut A Relay in the Sky!
Voice actors
Japanese Tsuguo Mogami
English Sarah Natochenny

Staraptor is one of Orson's Pokémon.

He was used in the Pokémon Sky Relay. Staraptor was the second Pokémon to be used by Orson and took over the ribbon from Orson's Staravia. He was able to stay in second position, behind Team R's Pelipper (in reality, this was Meowth controlling a Pelipper mecha). He was unable to keep this up however, as he was held back by strong wind currents and a field of towering rocks. His second position was quickly taken over by Ash's Hawlucha, who used the rocks to launch itself forward. Staraptor was successfully able to deliver his ribbon to Orson's Starly for the final leg.

None of Staraptor's moves are known.

Pokémon competitions

Orson has competed in the following Pokémon competitions:

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 梅原裕一郎 Yūichirō Umehara
English Jake Paque
Finnish Ilkka Villi
Polish Krzysztof Szczepaniak
European Spanish Luis Miguel Cajal


Language Name Origin
Japanese オルニス Ornis From ὄρνις órnis, Ancient Greek for bird
Italian Avian From aviazione, aviation

Project COD logo.png This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.