
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 20:33, 16 March 2009 by Jioruji Derako (talk | contribs) (updated Pet tag; updating userpages to match.)
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336.png This user identifies as male.
480.png This user is Christian.
238.png This user hates Smoochum.
038.png This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
474.png This user contributes using Microsoft Windows Microsoft XP.
201.png This user can read Unown writing!
Pokédex BW art.png This user strives to complete the Pokédex.
483.png This user is 13 years old.
385.png This user's birthday is May 4, 1995.
128.png This user is a Taurus.
255.png This user's first partner Pokémon is Torchic.
082.png This user's favorite Pokémon is Magneton.
386.png This user's favorite legendary Pokémon is Deoxys.
081.png This user's favorite Electric-type Pokémon is Magnemite.
336.png This user's favorite Poison-type Pokémon is Seviper.
150.png This user's favorite Psychic-type Pokémon is Mewtwo.
382.png This user's favorite Water-type Pokémon is Kyogre.
257.png This user's favorite Fire-type Pokémon is Blaziken.
071.png This user's favorite Grass-type Pokémon is Victreebel.
Spr 4p 487O.png This user's favorite Dragon-type Pokémon is Giratina.
092.png This user's favorite Ghost-type Pokémon is Gastly.
067.png This user's favorite Fighting-type Pokémon is Machoke.
491.png This user's favorite Dark-type Pokémon is Darkrai.
379.png This user's favorite Steel-type Pokémon is Registeel.
378.png This user's favorite Ice-type Pokémon is Regice.
050.png This user's favorite Ground-type Pokémon is Diglett.
141.png This user's favorite Rock-type Pokémon is Kabutops.
493.png This user's favorite Normal-type Pokémon is Arceus.
042.png This user's favorite Flying-type Pokémon is Golbat.
469.png This user's favorite Bug-type Pokémon is Yanmega.
462.png This user's favorite move is Zap Cannon.
202.png This user's favorite Ability is Shadow Tag.
000.png This user's favorite Glitch Pokémon is Missingno..

Template:User Gym Leader

May.png This user's favorite character is May.
HoennIIIE.png This user's favorite region is Hoenn.
Dream Master Ball Sprite.png This user's favorite ball is the Master Ball.
Pecha Berry This user's favorite Berry is the Pecha Berry.
399.png This user has a pet Guinea Pig.
058.png This user has a pet Dog.
302.png This user's favorite color is purple.
446.png This user's favorite food is Chicken Burger.
Spr 3r 384.png This user is a player of Pokémon Emerald Version.
Spr BW Hilda.png This user is a Pokémon Trainer.

Weezing Arbok Magneton!!!

As you all noticed, I love these guys! I dunno why, I just do.