User talk:ht14

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 21:10, 20 May 2011 by Blastoiseboy19 (talk | contribs) (Question: new section)

Latest comment: 20 May 2011 by Blastoiseboy19 in topic Question
Hey! Before commenting on my page, please read this!

I will not be here until February 2011, due to a lot of work going on. Please bother someone else instead. Bulbapedia is filled with so many helpful users out there, such as Jello, Umeko, Trom, and Maverick Nate to name a few.
Help clean out my help page and PVA page... just edit the pages. Be warned though, if you're spamming these pages, you will be blocked by other admins... you have been warned.
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Template used with permission.

082 Archive 1: October 2007-December 2008: basic n00b mistakes
214 Archive 2: December 2008-June 2009: TCG errors
006 Archive 3: July 2009-July 2010: just random stuff

Remember that favor you asked of me?

Well I took pictures of all the Pokémon trophies in Brawl. Can you believe there are 76 of them?? Anyway, I was wondering if you still wanted them. I don't really know what you planned to do with them which is why I'm asking before I upload them. --ケンジガール 08:31, 7 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

I don't recall this... -_- Hmm... just found it. Apparently, I requested it in January. Whoa. Hmm... maybe we could put another image onto the Pokémon page or put it into the gallery or something of that sort... since it's been so long, I actually don't recall what I needed it for though, so sorry to waste your time... though... I just thought about it. Maybe create a page "Trophy" and have a small gallery of it... still, that's not worth uploading all of them, is it... ht14 00:03, 9 August 2010 (UTC)Reply


Congratulations! For your outstanding service to the Bulbagarden Archives you have been awarded the Golden Porygon Award for July, 2010 by the Bulbapedia editorial board!

Please place this template onto your userpage by putting {{User Award|GoldPorygon|July, 2010}} among your userboxes.

For your teamwork and leadership on the Bulbagarden Archives, this award is to be shared with Jello and PsychicRider. Thanks for your effort and well done. —darklordtrom 00:44, 13 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Congratulations. Turtwig's A-B-Cs (talk | contribs) 01:06, 13 August 2010 (UTC)Reply
Thanks!!! ht14 01:42, 13 August 2010 (UTC)Reply


Would the change occur for the theme decks? The cards are still Trainer here, so it's kinda misleading.--immewnitythemew 17:54, 30 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Trainer "here"? Where is "here"? The theme decks? ht14 17:55, 30 August 2010 (UTC)Reply
America. "Goods" is non existent.--immewnitythemew 18:01, 30 August 2010 (UTC)Reply
Oh? Hmm... lemme talk to Mav about that. ht14 18:02, 30 August 2010 (UTC)Reply
I talked to Mav, and he said it doesn't really matter, though I would leave it as Goods because it's shown on the official TCG cards page and it's also shown in the decklist template. ht14 00:47, 31 August 2010 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, the template will be updated with some things TTE forgot. Any pages with the template now will become broken when that happens. MaverickNate 12:31, 31 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Wanted pages

Whenever you are linking to an images, simply using [[:File will shove the image onto the wanted pages. The correct method is linking to the Archives image page: [[a:File. Thanks for your time. MaverickNate 12:29, 31 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Sorry... :b ht14 13:41, 31 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Re: VAs

Not at all. --Maxim 16:28, 2 September 2010 (UTC)Reply

Nm then. ht14 16:30, 2 September 2010 (UTC)Reply

COtD Template

So what your saying is if the Pokemon doesn't have an article by itself a description (Template:TrainerPoke) is needed?DoTheWave 03:44, 15 September 2010 (UTC)Reply

It's preferred. ht14 21:27, 15 September 2010 (UTC)Reply


Sorry I totally must've accidentally clicked rollback or something D8 ~ solaris 03:59, 27 September 2010 (UTC)Reply

It's ok. What were you trying to do btw?ht14 04:00, 27 September 2010 (UTC)Reply
...nothing? ~ solaris 04:02, 27 September 2010 (UTC)Reply
Oh. xD ht14 02:25, 28 September 2010 (UTC)Reply

Re: Regarding your edits...

Well since everyone was doing a really good job I thought I'd just add little facts. I think I'll get to work on that template you were talking about...I'm good at that...and one person literally spelled Pikachu Pikacu. I found that when I spelled it wrong myself. XD p.s. did you mean Template:Pokémon or the one for a character's Pokémon? KantoRules 22:29, 18 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

Umm... ok? But the info that you're adding is quite unneeded. For instance, saying that "Ritchie may be considered as Ash's brother" is unneeded... it doesn't build upon the article at all. Also, the Kanto starter Pokémon... it's implied that they're Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle... making the article redundant. And, in regards to the Pokémon template... what are you talking about? Finally... put your edits onto your own page... it keeps a conversation in place. ht14 22:35, 18 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

RE: Question

Thanks for the help. It was very helpful (I am not being sarcastic, as I was wondering).

-- 8o8 Dark 04:05, 19 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

Why I removed "that"...

Accordind to Cold, "{{pokelinkback}} automatically places a notoc, you don't need this". Just to clarify, I'm not removing stuff I don't really know what is exactly. If he's wrong, I can go back and place that back in every page I've touched since. [[1]] Mr. Charlie(TalkToMe) 00:16, 1 November 2010 (UTC)Reply

Hey uh..

I still can't post anything on the Archives Ataro 03:36, 20 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

Check now. Jellotalk 03:43, 20 December 2010 (UTC)Reply


I'm sorry, I haven't got any access to Japanese versions of Colo/XD. I'll try to find some source online, though. --Maxim 18:31, 29 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

Alright. ht14 18:44, 29 December 2010 (UTC)Reply
Erm. Because Colo/XD DOES use Kanji. Also, the main games until BW used Kana only for purely technical reasons. It's not very... normal in Japanese language not to use Kanji. --Maxim 19:12, 29 December 2010 (UTC)Reply
Oh, I see, thanks. ht14 19:13, 29 December 2010 (UTC)Reply
All done. Except Eclo Canyon. Can't find its Japanese name anywhere. --Maxim 19:50, 29 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

You know what?

Don't touch anything anymore. You are no longer worthy. Bad ht! Stop it! MaverickNate 03:06, 7 February 2011 (UTC)Reply

T.T Sorry Nate.... ht14 03:39, 7 February 2011 (UTC)Reply

TCG update

Please stop doing it (I feel like I've told you this before). Part of the update is quality control when the images are moved, and you don't do that. So... please stop. MaverickNate 09:28, 11 May 2011 (UTC)Reply

Alright, I'll stop touching the TCG for now. I'm sorry about all this... ht14 01:13, 12 May 2011 (UTC)Reply


Excuse me, but how do you add the [show] buttons to your pages? I've asked once or twice, and searched it, but it seems to get me nowhere. Any help would be apreciated. Also i am considering adding a background with a border, or a box like the Pokémon infobox with the usertags at the bottom, very similar to User:Carmenstar97's userpage. I am the worst a wiki code (my first link took 5 tries) so I need to ask. Once again, anything would be apreciated, and thank you. Blastoiseboy19(Talk) was here at 21:10, 20 May 2011 (UTC)Reply