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Revision as of 18:49, 10 July 2007 by Greengiant (talk | contribs)

Latest comment: 10 July 2007 by Greengiant in topic Hoenn/Shin'ō Badges

For the record, is it "Boulderbadge" or "Boulder Badge"? Also, I figure listing what Badges do both here and in the Gym Leader page is redundant. I think it is more appropriate here. uhhh... And, how do you make it so that pages can link to individual badges within this page? Like Badge#Boulder Badge Is that possible? --greengiant

Is it REALLY necessary to imply that the Japanese word for "badge" is different from the English word? --Ketsuban

To Ket, I think someone may have gone a bit overboard on our translation thing. ^^; And with respect to the #___Badge, yeah, I'll edit that so it's possible. And I believe the name is Boulderbadge, with no space, although this in turn is probably due to the game's character limit. evkl 00:33, 7 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Use the ==== as the header title for all badges. And maybe debold the names of the badges? I'm not sure... And yeah, that header will allow Badges#Cascade Badge and the like. evkl 01:08, 7 Apr 2005 (UTC)

May I ask why you replaced all the japanese text with question marks? or am I just viewing the page wrong? --greengiant

It seems that multiple recent edits by people are leaving the Japanese text in pages converted to ???... --Meowth346

>Ineteresting. Is everyone doing it, or just certain users? If it's everyone, the last update may have accidentally turned of RichText . . . Or at least that's what happened before on a messageboard where this same problem occured.

- Zeta

Hoenn/Shin'ō Badges

Does anyone know where the Kanto and Johto badges' images came from, or who made them? I think it would look a lot better if we had something like that for the other two regions... I mean, if anyone has some drawing skill and can draw out the Hoenn badges, then digitally color them like the other ones, that'd be a good substitute for that anime screenshot... Same for the Shin'ō ones, if we get their colors ahead of time... Depends on how fast we get through Shin'ō in the anime, though, I'd suppose. Tom Temprotran 02:44, 30 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

From the adapted Chapter Books: Read the excerpt, flip a page and notice Coral-Eye Badge. How canonical is that? I don't know, but really it's our only evidence. It's how we figured out it's Cissy instead of Sissy, I think. --Greengiant 18:49, 10 July 2007 (UTC)Reply