Bulbapedia:Project Anime
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Kenji-girl is the leader of this project. Please direct any questions about Project Anime or its actions to this user. |
Some Bulbapedia members have formed a project to better organize efforts to write and improve articles about Pokémon anime episodes. If you would like to help, please inquire on the talk page or the Bulbapedia forum and see the to-do list.
Project Anime
Scope and aims
Project Anime covers all aspects of the Pokémon anime, including its episodes, movies, characters, and exclusive-locations.
To join the project, simply add your name to the bottom of this list:
- Kenji-girl - Project Leader
- Alexa9966
- Pokemonpearlwanter
- Hikarichan
- Fabu-Vinny
- PAK Man
- DrGaellon
- TheBlazikenMaster
- Chikoquil
- Netto-kun
- Big-Time Crush On Ash
- MayAshLove
- Farfetch'd
- ~NeonFire372~
- Pokemaniac102
- J-J-M
- ChristophVMP
- Firempoleon
- Maverick Nate
- Hydrojames
- Diby
- Roryrules123
- Kukisanban
- Nachoguy
- Marillrocks
- Rucario64
- Jen The Ren
- flame alex
- Davidaipom
- Rpp
- Super Max
- Sabata414
- Feddieboy
- Runey676
- Werdnae
- Puppo530
- Ultamatecharizard
- joshua-kun
- UltimateSephiroth
- Diamaster
- Mewblaze
- Cyndermew
- Rockersk08
- HAH08
- ShinjiLover
- Force Fire
- HoennMaster
- Hirokiworld
- Alec9
- Flarebuster
- Firefly292
- Tavisource
- Bisasam
- Bootsyt
- ctesjbuvf
- Alpha Totodile
- DarkSally
- adyniz
- Manaphy1
- MarkoSeke
- AngelGuardian
- MasterKenobi
- Galladeon
- Landfish7
- swampert_rox
- Vhayes1992
- electAbuzzzz
- PokeFanPiplup
- Solidstate
- BAC510
- PokeChar
- Gg94b
- Blueman15324
- CutestPikachuEver
- Bulbasurturtwig
- Kaitie50
- Bazza
- BKG201
- Zer0Z14
- Captain Awesome
- hippocampus
- Vipera
- Hmdwgf
- Legendhunter32
- Watchermark
- Oz
- Aimeeaaa
- aeods
- JasonTongRulz
- Mudkipluvr4ever
- Umeko
- Debroop
- Deityofantimatter
- DialgaMaster105
- Littlmiget123
- AuraGaurdian
- MrShinyAipom
- Bulbajer
- Spritester
- DoTheWave
- Neon
- crazzejoe
- duardognn
- Amitrc7th
- Webemperor
- Dragonick
- Chimcharocks142
- Cacskiller
- FranJoe
- Chiramii
- James 1234
- Chum
- Phantomjunkie
- Bubblewrap
- Cubic Question
- Jediknightdtv
- Cyndaquil155
- Jawoodruff
- Galaxy180
- Ayselipera
- Holonboy
- CMCaden9
- CuboneKing
- PickyChimchar
- Serpental
- Jasopoke
- Ropmop1
- 05308
- Silverod
- Simiabraz101
- Ataro
- Pokemon26
- Kidburla
- Blaayk
- 99pokemon
- Maynem5
- Pokemaster97 I have a keen eye for detail
- Magictortoise
- keekk1 ★
- Rineru
- Lulzies
- Plato Platinum
- 12laus
- Irockz
- kirbymaster101 just want to add little trivia to charcters
- Jo The Marten - I will write synopses for episodes that need them.
- PikaMunchgirl12
- SquirtleSquad
- Lazer
- Duran
- PikaShinx
- Blackthorning
- Prinben
- Burgundy
- Thingamajig257
- Carmenstar97
- TheSeviper
- Lucariade
- PikachuKetchum I know a pokemon when i see one on the TV.
- MewFreak I could help with Pokemon, episode, or character trivia, if they need any.
- jda95
- matthewtelee
- SuperAipom7 I can write a pretty good synopsis.
- LoveLoverGrl
- Dzemo
- fear30000
- kis12134 I could help making trivias, and make more information.
- Dennou Zenshi
- Emiel03 I live in the Netherlands, so I might know the dutch translation of all episodes.
- Gohan5
- Ladyyukon
- Orcalapras
- YoshisWorld
- Chrispizza To complete episode synopsises or synopses or synopsi
- Chikorita Boy I can help with the trainer's pokemon --Gr8Chikorita BoY 10:57, 14 July 2011 (UTC)
- PkmnChmp5
- Rayquaza8129 I can do just about anything, but mostly fixing your common grammer and spelling errors.--Rayquaza8129 14:23, 5 August 2011 (UTC)
- Emeraldben Pokemon Expert
- Palamon I'll be the error/mix up editor. If I see things that are mixed up, I'll fix it.
- Lauraac2110 I'll happily assist with grammar, spelling and incomplete anime episode stubs where possible.
- Dodo100 I can add some synopsis of the newest episodes of Pokemon Black & White.
- Pokeand Removing what i think is wrong information, and also cleaning up a bit for all eps.
- Alipikachu
- SuperBowser
- PokemonFan50000
- AshKetchumRocks!! I love Pokemon Anime! I can add Synopsis, trivia ,etc
- LimeGreenCharizard
- poke.geek
- Skarm
- TyphlosionTrent
- Don't Hug Lucario!
- Mkbw50 - I will mainly concentrate on trivia, but I will help on other things as well.
- --
- To complete all necessary information for every episode of the anime, including a synopsis, character list and infobox.
- To write articles on each of its characters.
- To complete all necessary information for all anime-exclusive locations.
Other templates
{{New episode}}
-- to be used when creating a Black & White series episode article. Please use{{subst:New episode|episode number|Japan airdate|Japanese title in kanji|Japanese title translation}}
- Please update this template as the characters' parties change.
{{Project Anime notice}}
-- to be used at the bottom of every episode article.
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This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation. |
{{User Project Anime}}
-- for project participants to place in their user profile.
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This user is a member of Project Anime. |
Other projects
Parent project
This project has no parent project.
The descendants of this project are:
- Project COD
- Project Custom Sprite (Defunct)
- Project VA
Related projects
No related projects have been named.