AEST | This user uses Australian Eastern Standard Time, which is UTCUTC+10. |
Hello folks! I am Jason, but mostly known as Jade anywhere!
I am a Pokemon TCG Player, and goes to same league as Archaic.
I am the 2007 Australian National Champion, finished 26th at 2007 World championships - both with R-Gon deck
Contact Details:
email: jade . asp @ gmail . com
msn: jade . asp @ gmail . com
aim/yim: JadeRMXP
Jason's TCG1 Deck
Record: 46-5 *the only autoloss were fire decks...*
No. of T2/T3 donks: 15.
- 4x Scyther
- 4x DCE
- 12x Grass
- 4x Bill
- 4x Oak
- 4x ER
- 4x Comp.Search
- 4x Itemfinder
- 4x Recycle
- 4x Potion
- 4x PlusPower
- 4x Gust of wind
- 2x Switch
- 2x Energy Search
Jason's TCG2 Deck
Damn, too many restrictions by some GR trainers...Uuughh...
Well, i usually play Scyther but it isnt doing well at lategame...Lame...
Will be updated.
Miscellaneous Stuff
Useful information regarding to TCG GB1/GB2 games. Man, that game is SO addicting, even for a National Champ :D
User notes with battle-e (abandoned for time being)
random info