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Revision as of 00:02, 20 February 2008 by Palkia24 (talk | contribs)
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if you think pikachu is cool so dont come here ok y hate pikachu!!!!!!!!!!! hey want to see something cool go to [] and know more about me. anime

pikachu is cute y hate cute but it sill makes it to my pokemon game colection lv 100 shiny.      ok people me and my buizelpedia members are recronstructing buizelpedia with a diferent version a big diference from bulbapedia version so stop sending me copy rigth suff now its my property of buizelpedia please no more insults buizelpedia is now different with different text and almoast evrithing. so now its not a copy rigth bulbapedia/buizelpedia are not the same and no name violation because your mascot is balbasaur and mine buizel. and they are bothe enciclopedias but different !!!!!!!!!!!!!palkia rocks oh yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!! y even made my own trainer with her own palkia sob y wish she woud apear in a movie.