Funko Pops

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Funko Pops are a brand of figures produced by Funko. They are typically 4 inches tall, and based off movie, video game, and other pop culture icons. Pokémon figures are among the selection available, and were first introduced on July 19, 2018. Each figure is numbered based on its category, with the Pokémon franchise under Pop! Games, a category of Pops that originate from video games.

In addition to traditional Pop! figures, there are variants that change a certain aspect of the figure in one way or another. The most common variants are super-sized figures, which change the height of a figure from 4 inches to 10 inches, and flocked figures, which give it a fuzzy coating instead of the traditional plastic look. Often times, these variants will have the same number assigned as their original counterpart, though there are exceptions.

List of Pokémon Funko Pops

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Name Set no. Image In-box image Release date Variants
Pikachu 353 July 19, 2018 (Target Exclusive) • 10" Super-Size (Target Exclusive)

• Flocked (GameStop Exclusive)

Bulbasaur 453 February 27, 2019 • 10" Super-Size (No. 454) (Target Exclusive)

• Flocked (2020 ECCC & Exclusive)

Charmander 455 May 12, 2019 • 10" Super-Size (No. 456) (Target Exclusive)

• Flocked (2020 ECCC & Walmart Exclusive)

Squirtle 504 July 15, 2019 • 10" Super-Size (No. 505) (Target Exclusive)

• Flocked (2020 ECCC & GameStop Exclusive)

Pikachu (Waving) 553 September 16, 2019
Eevee 577 November 21, 2019 • 10" Super-Size (No. 540) (Target Exclusive)

• Flocked (2020 2020 WonderCon & Hot Topic Exclusive)

Pichu 579 February 6, 2020 • Flocked (2020 WonderCon & FYE Exclusive)
Vulpix 580 February 6, 2020 • 10" Super-Size (Target Exclusive)
Mewtwo 581 February 6, 2020 • 10" Super-Size (No. 583) (Target Exclusive)
Mr. Mime 582 February 6, 2020
Rattata 595 June 2020
Cubone 596 June 2020
Growlithe 597 June 2020
Pikachu (Grumpy) 598 June 2020

A Day With Pikachu

Logo for A Day With Pikachu

A Day With Pikachu is a collection of Pops made in collaboration with the US Pokémon Center Online. It features Pikachu and focuses on holidays and seasonal events. Starting in February 2019 to January 2020, one figure was released each month.

Name Image In-box image Release date Description
One Lucky Day February 15, 2019 A Spot of Luck!
With Luck Incense, an Amulet Coin, and a heap of four-leaf clovers, Pikachu is sure to have the luck of springtime in its favor! Catch a little luck of your own with the One Lucky Day Pikachu Figure by Funko and Pokémon Center while you can—they won't last long!
Rainy Day Pokémon March 28, 2019 Hold on to That Sunny Day!
Pikachu is soaked—but holding on to a Sunny Castform doll as it hopes for brighter days! Catch your own bit of sunshine with the Rainy Day Pokémon Figure by Funko and Pokémon Center while you can—they won't last long!
Blooming Curiosity April 17, 2019 A Little Curiosity!
Flowers and Flabébé make for a day of fragrant fun! Catch a little spring fever with the Blooming Curiosity Pikachu Figure by Funko and Pokémon Center while you can—they won't last long!
Sweet Days Are Here May 15, 2019 Sunshine & Tasty Treats!
With a pair of stylish sunglasses and a sweet Pecha Berry snack, it's picnic time for Pikachu! Catch some delicious fun of your own with the Sweet Days Are Here Pikachu Figure by Funko and Pokémon Center while you can—they won't last long!
Sparking Up a Celebration June 20, 2019 Electrifying Summer Fun!
With shaved ice and a can of Lemonade at the ready, Pikachu is celebrating summer by using its electricity to light up some sparklers! Catch the excitement with the Sparking Up a Celebration Pikachu Figure by Funko and Pokémon Center while you can—they won't last long!
Splashing Away Summer July 24, 2019 Wave Goodbye to Summer!
Surf's up for Pikachu at the end of the sunny season, but it better hold on tight to that Psyduck float toy, or it might take a spill! Oh no... its Fresh Water is already tipping. Be careful out there, Pikachu! Catch a wave of your own with the Splashing Away Summer Pikachu Figure by Funko and Pokémon Center while you can—they won't last long!
Charged Up for Game Day August 13, 2019 Fall Football Fun!
Go, team, go! Wearing a jersey and a foam glove shaped like Victini, Pikachu cheers as its favorite players take to the field. Catch a winning pass with the Charged Up for Game Day Pikachu Figure by Funko and Pokémon Center—they won't last long!
Surprises to Fall For September 18, 2019 Making Friends & Having Fun!
Autumn is officially here—and Pikachu and Pumpkaboo are having a blast playing in a pile of leaves! Hey, what's that on your head, Pikachu? Catch a few falling leaves of your own with the Surprises to Fall For Pikachu Figure by Funko and Pokémon Center while you can—they won't last long!
Completely Thank-Full October 15, 2019 A Cornucopia of Gratitude!
After enjoying the biggest meal of the year, Pikachu is so happy and content that it doesn't even need to finish dessert! Catch a bountiful feast of your own with the Completely Thank-Full Pikachu Figure by Funko and Pokémon Center while you can—they won't last long!
A Cool New Friend November 15, 2019 A Frosty & Familiar Face!
Exploring the snow in a festive Delibird cap, Pikachu's not quite sure what to make of the snowman it's found. It looks like a Pikachu, but could it be a Ditto in disguise? Catch some winter mystery of your own with the A Day with Pikachu: A Cool New Friend Figure by Funko and Pokémon Center while you can—they won't last long!
Ringing in the Fun December 9, 2019 A New Year to Remember!
New possibilities, new friends, new experiences—Pikachu is so excited to celebrate the New Year, it even set an alarm on its Hoothoot clock so it wouldn't miss the big countdown! Now it's time to make some noise... with a party horn that looks like a certain explosive Ultra Beast! Catch a big celebration of your own with the Ringing In the Fun Pikachu Figure by Funko and Pokémon Center while you can—they won't last long!
Surprising Weather Ahead January 15, 2020 In Winter's Shadow!
Winter's almost over, and spring is soon to arrive…or is it? Pikachu's surprised to see Diglett and its shadow—does that mean the chilly weather might stick around a bit longer? Guess we'll see! Catch a weather wonder of your own with the Surprising Weather Ahead Pikachu Figure by Funko and Pokémon Center while you can—they won't last long!

An Afternoon With Eevee & Friends

Logo for An Afternoon With Eevee & Friends

Following the A Day With Pikachu campaign, Funko and the Pokémon Center Online collaborated again for the An Afternoon With Eevee & Friends collection. Each figure features Eevee or one of the Eeveelutions and all nine can form a scene when together. Starting February 18, 2020, one figure was released monthly.

Pokémon Image In-box image Release date
Eevee February 18, 2020
Vaporeon March 10, 2020
Sylveon April 21, 2020
Glaceon May 19, 2020
Flareon June 16, 2020
Espeon July 2020
Jolteon August 2020
Leafeon September 2020
Umbreon October 2020

This article is part of Project Merchandise, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all Pokémon toys, dolls, books, and collectible merchandise.