For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Kyogre.
Primal Kyogre (Japanese: ゲンシカイオーガEXPrimal KaiorgaEX) is a Water-type Mega Primal Pokémon-EX card. It was first released as part of the Primal Clash expansion.
Primal Reversion rule When 1 of your Pokémon becomes Primal Kyogre-EX, your turn ends.
α Growth αグロウ
When you attach an Energy card from your hand to this Pokémon (except with an attack, Ability, or Trainer card), you may attach 2 Energy cards.
Tidal Storm タイダルストーム
Move 2 Energy from this Pokémon to 1 of your Benched Pokémon. This attack does 30 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon-EX. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
This card was included as both a Regular card and a Full Art card in the English Primal Clash expansion, first released in the Japanese Tidal Storm expansion. Both prints feature artwork by 5ban Graphics. A Jumbo version of the Regular card was one of two Jumbo cards available in the Hoenn Collection, released on November 19, 2014. In Japan, the M Master Deck Build Box Speed Style, released August 7, 2015, included a Non Holo version of the Regular print. A Non Holofoil version of this card featuring a regular border was reprinted with new artwork by Mireil, one of the North American winners of the Your Favorite Pokémon category of the Pokémon Art Academy Competition. The contest was held from February 18 to March 29, 2015 and had entrants create an illustration in Pokémon Art Academy of either a Pikachu in a costume or their favorite Pokémon. Entries had to be uploaded to Miiverse and winners received 100 copies of the card featuring their illustration.