Golden Sun Universe

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Golden Sun Universe
"The Golden Sun database that anyone can edit!"
The logo for Golden Sun Universe
Language English
Status Active
Run November 2, 2006 - Present
Date opened November 2, 2006
Creator Dracobolt
Current owner {{{owner}}}
Number of Articles 1,434+
Mascot None
Website Main Page
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

Golden Sun Universe is a wiki devoted to compile a complete, thorough, and dynamic repository of information relating to the Golden Sun series of role-playing fantasy video games and related media, developed by Camelot Software Planning and produced by Nintendo. It was originally founded at PBwiki, then moved to Wikia, but became independent to be affiliated with NIWA.


Golden Sun Universe was originally created at PBwiki as Golden Sun Wiki[1] on November 2, 2006. Later that year, it moved to Wikia. On November 25, 2010, it moved to become an independent wiki affiliated with NIWA, and joined NIWA on November 30, 2010. The old wiki that still resides on Wikia was renamed to Golden Sun Wiki, like the original wiki.

External links


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