Oil Field Hideout

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Revision as of 16:01, 4 April 2022 by MisterE13 (talk | contribs)
Oil Field Hideout かいていゆでんアジト
Offshore Oil Field Hideout
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: A once-active underwater oil field that's shut down. It is now used by Team Dim Sun as its hideout. It also appears to serve as a secret factory where devices like the Miniremo systems are mass produced.
Location: South of the Sea of Wailord
Region: Almia
Generations: IV

Location of Oil Field Hideout in Almia.
Pokémon world locations

Oil Field Hideout (Japanese: かいていゆでんアジト Offshore Oil Field Hideout) is a location in Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. It is an undersea factory powered by oil, and is used by Team Dim Sun to build their nefarious Miniremo units. The player arrives here while chasing a kidnapped Wailmer and runs into Sven, who accompanies the player through the hideout. There is a library where Isaac is usually found researching, while the place from which Kincaid operates is nearby. An Electivire and a Porygon-Z can be found after completing the game. Gliscor is the boss and cannot be found anywhere else, excluding the Capture Arena.

The player first reaches the hideout on the back of a Wailord. After the mission there, the only way to access it is by flying there on a Staraptor.

Although Operation Brighton transformed the Shadow Crystal and its fragments, the Dark Shards in the hideout were not affected. As a result, remnants of Team Dim Sun joined back together under Kincaid and continued their villainy.


Pokémon Poké Assist Field
Arcanine Arcanine Fire Burn 4
Machamp Machamp Fighting Crush 3
Magneton Magneton Recharge Recharge 5
Haunter Haunter Ghost Psy Power 2
Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Psychic Teleport -
Dratini Dratini Dragon Tackle 1
Sceptile Sceptile Grass Cut 3
Houndour Houndour Dark Tackle 1
Houndoom Houndoom Dark Burn 2
Dusclops Dusclops Ghost Psy Power 3
Staraptor Staraptor Flying Fly -
Luxio Luxio Electric Electrify 2
Luxray Luxray Electric Electrify 3
Mothim Mothim Flying Cut 2
Honchkrow Honchkrow Dark Cut 3
Skuntank Skuntank Poison Stink -
Electivire Electivire * Electric Electrify 3
Gliscor Gliscor * Flying None -
Porygon-Z Porygon-Z * Normal Crush 3

In other languages

Language Title
French Planque du Forage
German Ölfeldversteck
Italian Piattaforma segreta
Spanish Guarida Petrolífera

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Chicole VillageVientownPueltownBoylelandShiver CampHaruba Village
Chicole PathSchool RoadUnion RoadChroma Road
Aquatic areas
Puel SeaIce LakeSea of Wailord
Open areas
Vien ForestAltru ParkPeril CliffsChroma HighlandsHia ValleyHaruba Desert
Other areas
Ranger SchoolRanger UnionMarine CaveAltru BuildingVolcano CaveCargo ShipChroma Ruins
Crysta CaveAlmia CastleOil Field HideoutHippowdon TempleAltru TowerCapture Arena

Boss: Blake Hall
Subordinates: KincaidSinis Trio (Ice, Lavana, Heath) • Wheeler
Locations: Altru BuildingCargo Ship
Oil Field HideoutAltru Tower
Objects: Gigaremo unitsMiniremo units
Tears of Princes and Shadow Crystal
Incredible Machine
Other: Altru Inc.Team Debonairs

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