Poké Ball
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
A Poké Ball is critical in any trainer's quest. It is used for capturing and storing wild Pokémon; a trainer may carry as many Poké Balls and ball variants as they desire. However, a trainer may only carry up to 6 Pokémon at a time. Therefore, if a trainer owns more than 6 Pokémon, they may be stored in a Pokémon storage system, and withdrawn or deposited at any Pokémon Center. There are 4 different basic levels of Poké Ball, and over a dozen variations on the Poké Ball design throughout the games.
A Poké Ball's strength is determined by how much it raises a wild Pokémon's catch rate. Many Poké Ball's strengths change based on certain conditions.
Basic Types of Poké Ball
- Poké Ball (×1)
- Great Ball (×1.5)
- Safari Ball (×1.5)
- Ultra Ball (×2)
- Master Ball (Always catches)
Gold/Silver Poké Balls
- Park Ball (×1.5)
- Level Ball (If your Pokémon's level is higher than the wild Pokémon's, ×2. If your Pokémon's level is double or higher than the wild Pokémon's, ×4. If your Pokémon's level is four times or higher, catch rate ×8) - Made from Red Apricorn
- Lure Ball (If wild Pokémon was hooked on a rod, ×3) - Made from Blu Apricorn
- Moon Ball (If wild Pokémon evolves with a Moon Stone, ×4) - Made from Ylw Apricorn
- Friend Ball (×1, wild Pokémon has a happiness value of 200 after being caught) - Made from Grn Apricon
- Fast Ball (If wild Pokémon is Magnemite, Grimer, Tangela, Mr. Mime, Eevee, Porygon, Dratini, or Dragonair, ×4. However, not all of these Pokémon can be found in the wild) - Made from Wht Apricorn
- Heavy Ball (Wild Pokémon's catch rate is modified based on its weight. Heavier Pokémon are easier to catch) - Made from Blk Apricorn
- Love Ball (If your Pokémon and the wild Pokémon are opposite genders, ×8) - Made from Pnk Apricorn
Ruby/Sapphire Poké Balls
- Gorgeous Ball (×1)
- Premier Ball (×1)
- Net Ball (If wild Pokémon is a Bug-type or Water-type, ×3)
- Dive Ball (If battling underwater, ×3.5)
- Nest Ball (Catch rate ranges from ×1 to ×3 based on how low the wild Pokémon's level is. Formula is (40 - level) ÷ 10)
- Repeat Ball (If wild Pokémon's species has been caught before, ×3)
- Timer Ball (Catch rate ranges from ×1 to ×4 based on how many turns have passed in the current battle. Formula is 1 + TurnNumber ÷ 10)
TODO: Find Heavy Ball formula.