Cynthia's Garchomp

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Revision as of 13:32, 14 November 2009 by Tc26 (talk | contribs) (Moves used)
Cynthia's Garchomp
シロナのガブリアス Shirona's Gablias
File:Cynthia's garchomp.png
Cynthia's Garchomp
Debuts in Top-Down Training!
Caught at Sinnoh
Gender Female
Ability Unknown
Current location With Cynthia
This Pokémon has not evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Garchomp Katsuyuki Konishi

Cynthia's Garchomp (Japanese: シロナのガブリアス Shirona's Gablias) is Cynthia's main battling Pokémon in the anime and games.

In the anime

Her voice actor is 小西克幸 Katsuyuki Konishi in English and Japanese.

She was first seen battling Lucian's Bronzong in Top-Down Training. Even though Bronzong was shown to be a powerful Pokémon in the battle against Dawn's Buizel in An Elite Meet and Greet!, the Template:Type2 Pokémon lost easily to Garchomp.

In the same episode, she battled against Paul. She showed amazing strength by taking down four of Paul's Pokémon without sustaining too much damage, even taking out Paul's Torterra easily.

Garchomp appeared again in Losing Its Lustrous and Double Team Turnover!, where she was used in battling Team Galactic's Pokémon.

Garchomp also briefly appeared in Aiding the Enemy! where she battled against Aaron's Drapion on television.

She also appeared along with Cynthia in a cameo appearance in the beginning of Arceus and the Jewel of Life battling Palmer's Milotic.

She also appeared along with Cynthia in DP152, where she helped put an end to Team Galactic's plans.

Moves used

Using Draco Meteor Move First Used In
Giga Impact Top-Down Training!
Dig Top-Down Training!
Dragon Rush Top-Down Training!
Brick Break Top-Down Training!
Dragon Claw Losing Its Lustrous
Flamethrower Arceus and the Jewel of Life
Draco Meteor DP152
An x shows that the move cannot be legitimately known by this Pokémon in the games.
  Moves used recently are in bold unless all moves all fit this case.

In the games

As mentioned above, Garchomp is also Cynthia's main Pokémon in the games. Just like Cynthia, she has only appeared in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, the Generation IV games.

Diamond and Pearl

Dragon Ground
Sand Veil
Held item:
Sitrus Berry
Garchomp Lv.66
Dragon Rush
Dragon Physical
Brick Break
Fighting Physical
Giga Impact
Normal Physical
Ground Physical


Before National Dex

Dragon Ground
Sand Veil
Held item:
Sitrus Berry
Garchomp Lv.62
Dragon Rush
Dragon Physical
Fire Special
Giga Impact
Normal Physical
Ground Physical

After National Dex

Dragon Ground
Sand Veil
Held item:
Sitrus Berry
Garchomp Lv.78
Dragon Rush
Dragon Physical
Brick Break
Fighting Physical
Giga Impact
Normal Physical
Ground Physical

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Garchomp.

Template:Cynthia's Pokémon