Cresselia (TCG)

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Revision as of 23:39, 14 April 2010 by Shiningpikablu252 (talk | contribs) (→‎Cresselia LV.X: That does it for Lost Link...Wonder how it'll fall into the English releases, if it actually does?)
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#487: Giratina
#489: Phione

Cresselia is a Pokémon in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Specifically, there are many individual Pokémon cards which feature this Pokémon.

All Cresselia cards are Basic Pokémon. Cresselia cards are always Psychic-type and are usually weak to Psychic and have no Resistance.


The following is a list of cards named Cresselia.

Name Type Level Rarity Set Set no.
Cresselia Psychic 48 Rare Holo Great Encounters 2/106
Cresselia Psychic 43 Rare Holo Majestic Dawn 2/100
Cresselia Psychic 62 - DP Black Star Promos DP51

Cresselia LV.X

Cresselia was featured in the TCG as a Pokémon LV.X. The following is a list of cards named Cresselia LV.X.

Name Type Level Rarity Set Set no.
Cresselia LV.X Psychic X Rare Holo LV.X Great Encounters 103/106

Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND

Cresselia was featured in the TCG as a Pokémon LEGEND alongside Darkrai. The following is a list of cards named Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND.

Name Type Level Rarity Set Set no.
Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND DarknessPsychic - Rare Holo LEGEND Lost Link 035/040
Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND 036/040