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ドミノ Domino

Domino of Team Rocket
Gender Female
Hometown Unknown
Region Unknown
Member of Team Rocket
Rank Elite Officer
Anime debut Mewtwo Returns
English voice actor Kerry Williams
Japanese voice actor Kotono Mitsuishi

Domino (Japanese: ドミノ Domino), also known as 009 and Black Tulip, is an elite officer within Team Rocket. Her past before Team Rocket is practically unknown, and she claims that Domino is not her real name.

Her true personality remains a mystery. She can be cheerful one moment and all business the next, depending on the situation. She has a quick temper, but can restrain it as the mission calls for. However, when the Boss gets mad at her, she takes it out on lesser agents.

Relationships with other members

A disguised Domino with Cullen Calix

Domino seems to have a very close relationship with Giovanni, receiving orders directly from him and maintaining phone communications with him at many times, even things that have little to do with the mission. The closeness is furthered by her attempts to reason with him when she thinks his actions will jeopardize his own goal; not many people could talk back to him and get away with it.

Because Domino is so elite, Giovanni appears to feel safe in entrusting her with commanding lesser agents. She spearheads the Mount Quena operation, leading a crack team of over a hundred Rocket Grunts into the caves. She also recruits Jessie and James after finding them in a prison, and makes them cleaners of the new Rocket Base, using them while humiliating them at the same time.

Domino's high status and approval by the Boss have made her quite vain, and although she uses Jessie and James to help with the base, the first time she reveals herself to be a Rocket, she betrays them, bursting the Meowth Head Balloon.

Domino with Giovanni

Arsenal and abilities

She has no known Pokémon. However, she is capable of protecting herself without them: she is an excellent fighter, also demonstrating an excellent sense of balance and advanced gymnastic skills. Her choice of weapon is an electrically-charged 'tulip'.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 三石琴乃 Kotono Mitsuishi
English Kerry Williams
Polish Małgorzata Kożuchowska
European Spanish Pilar Puebla


  • Domino may be named after Domino Harvey, a female bounty hunter.
  • Her codename of 009 could be a reference to James Bond, who is designated 007. However, there was an Agent 009 in the 13th James Bond film, Octopussy.
  • Domino's nickname of the "Black Tulip" may be a reference to the book of the same name by Alexandre Dumas.