Ash's Totodile

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Ash's Totodile
サトシのワニノコ Satoshi's Waninoko
Bag Lure Ball SV Sprite.png
Ash Totodile.png
Ash and Totodile
Debuts in The Totodile Duel
Caught at Around Route 34
Gender Male
Ability Unknown
Current location With Ash
This Pokémon has not evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Totodile Chinami Nishimura Kayzie Rogers

Ash's Totodile (Japanese: サトシのワニノコ Satoshi's Waninoko) was the last of the Johto starter Pokémon to join Ash Ketchum’s party. His Japanese voice actress is 西村ちなみ Chinami Nishimura and his English voice actor is Kayzie Rogers.



Totodile first appeared in The Totodile Duel where both Ash and Misty were trying to capture him. As Totodile jumped into the bushes, they both threw their Lure Balls at him. They then found out that one of the Lure Balls had captured him. They decided to have a battle to decide who could keep him. Ash eventually won the battle and kept Totodile.

Totodile is a highly energetic Pokémon. He is always happy and shows it by dancing, a theme that is focused on when he is released from his Lure Ball, even when being called into a battle. He also acts as a comic relief character, as his tendency to dance is shown in many important matches, frustrating Ash, and confusing his opponents. His Scary Face attack has also been used as a joke a couple of times, one being in a battle with Duplica's Mini-Dit, where Totodile laughed at its imitation of the move before continuing the battle.

Totodile is also fairly romantic, as he was shown to have crushes on an Azumarill and a Quagsire in Love, Totodile Style!.

Totodile was used fairly often during Ash's travels in Johto and also in the Silver Conference. He wasn't used in many gym battles, but he was one of the Pokémon used by Ash during the Whirl Cup.

He has defeated opponents such as a Kingdra, a Charizard, and Harrison's Sneasel. This shows him to be quite capable in battle despite his unevolved state.

Ash left Totodile at Professor Oak's laboratory, along with his other Johto Pokémon, when he departed for the Hoenn region.


Totodile appeared in DP182 alongside Ash's other Pokémon. He was found dancing in a water fountain and affectionately nibbled on Ash's head before being returned to his Lure Ball. Later, he helped to put out the fire caused by Cyndaquil, together with Corphish and Piplup.

Moves used

Using Bite Move First Used In
File:Harrison's Sneasel.PNG
Scratch The Totodile Duel
Bite The Totodile Duel
Water Gun The Totodile Duel
Headbutt A Corsola Caper!
Skull Bash x Dueling Heroes
Scary Face One Trick Phony!
Leer Playing with Fire!
An x shows that the move cannot be legitimately known by this Pokémon in the games.
  Moves used recently are in bold unless all moves all fit this case.


  • Totodile is Ash's only Pokémon not to be kept inside a regular Poké Ball but rather inside a special ball. Although all of Ash's Tauros were captured with Safari Balls, they stay inside regular Poké Balls.
  • He is the second Pokémon that Ash and Misty battled over. The first was Togepi.
    • Interestingly, Misty used the aforementioned Togepi in the battle for Totodile.
  • Misty's Corsola and Ash's Totodile were both captured in Lure Balls, which they are most always shown to come out of. This would later become standard in the games with the advent of Generation III.
  • Totodile is the only one of Ash's Johto starters who has yet to evolve.

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Totodile.

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