April Fools' Day 2007
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
April 1, 2007 was an April Fool's Day that fell on a Sunday.
- Sunain announced her departure[1] from #pocketmonsters and the community in general on March 26, then returned on April 1 itself.
- #pocketmonsters also released a fake episode of School Rumble falsely labelled as a subtitled DP024.
- Pokecharms.com was taken down impending action over the Copyright Infringements taking place on domain: Pokecharms.com under a claim by Plaintiff: Nintendo United Kingdom; relating to the franchise: Pokémon.
- Pokemopolis announced and effected a merger with Serebii.net.
- Legendary Pokemon announced and effected a merger with Serebii.net.
- Bulbagarden forums became Bananagarden, then a mock civil war broke out between the League of Neutral Posters led by A Figment and the rest of the staff and members.
- SPPf removed all avatars and custom user titles due to "server errors". Some forums were also deleted.
- Dogasu's Backpack was changed to Satoshi's MySpace page.