ゥL ゥM 4
LM4 (whose actual name is literally "ゥL ||ゥM 4") is a glitch found the Pokémon Red and Blue versions by completing Method #3 of the Mew glitch using a Pokémon with a special stat of 198.
When an LM4 is raised to Lv. 18, it will evolve into Clefairy. When the evolution ends, it will immediately evolve from Clefairy into a Nidoking. If the B button is pressed simultaneously during its evolution into a Clefairy, it will stay as is. Same goes for the Nidoking; it will stay as a Clefairy. If it evolves into either of these two Pokémon, it will have the same moves as it had when it was an LM4.
In the Pokémon Red and Blue versions, LM4, when viewing its stats, has the cry of a slowed-down version of one of the songs played in routes. It's number will be #062. The Yellow version's equivalent of LM4 is the "7g" glitch, which has the cry of of a slowed-down version of the song when Pokémon enter the Hall of Fame after beating the Elite Four. It is also the types Water and Psychic, and is #79. 7g cannot evolve into Clefairy and Nidoking the way LM4 can.
Unlike Glitch Pokemon such as Small u, .4 and h POKé, LM4 is not known to freeze people's games or corrupt saved data. (See [1], [2])
LM4 can learn the following TMs and HMs: HM03, HM04, TM01, TM27, TM09, TM10, TM14, TM17, TM05, TM06, TM13, TM26, TM18, TM32, TM50
See also: Glitch Pokemon