The PokéMasters forums

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The PokéMasters forums, TPM (also refers to the main site), or TPMf, is currently the only active part of the PokéMasters website.

The forums were started in March 2000 by Pokemaster Kevin and became an instant hit among the Pokémon Community. However, over time, this overactivity led to the ultimate demise of the original forums and they were moved to an ezboard in 2002.

TPMf still exists (now as a vBulletin board) and is still frequented by past members and new members alike.


Here is an overview of significant events in TPM history.

  • The site opened.
  • The UBB and the chat opened, with PMK (Pokemaster Kevin) and PokeMaster Ben as the main admins.
  • Addition of Hyrulian_Genius (kurai) and LuGiA007 (kainashi) as admins.
  • The website was originally situated at (With a .net site originally added for the forums). The change to and later to .net was due to a domain name ownership complication with the original hosts of The PokéMasters web site and forums, VGF.
  • The Trading forum was deleted, and ASB (Anime Style Battling) was created. ASB still remains a popular game on TPM. ASB was started by Ditto_Pokefreak.
  • PCG (Polls, Clubs, and Games) was created, and nearly deleted. Shazza became moderator and made some changes, and PCG became a popular forum.
  • PokeChamp becomes administrator.
  • The Shippers branch (a club/fad that ranged through a few Pokémon forums, which is better explained in the Shipping article) came to TPM, and a forum was created.
  • LuGiA007 disappeared off the net for months into the unknown, and is de-adminned for inactivity by the time he returns. He adopted grumpy attitude on TPM for a while, but a lot of people didn't care because of his better reputation. This causes some former fans to become enimies.
  • Shortly after, Little_Pikachu (L_P) is adminned, and people start a rumor about her and Kevin (which has actually been going on since before she was an admin).
  • PCG undergoes a series of spam issues, which are taken care of by getting rid of a lot of the population in the process. At one point, Pokemaster Kevin had set the PCG forum to have cans of spam float above the forum, as a reminder not to spam.
  • People notice the Shippers prom being spammy. An epic fight breaks out in shippers, where both sides make idiots of themselves. As a result, the forum gets closed, and the TPM Shippers branch is dead. Some Shippers are still scattered around TPM for other purposes, but a majority left.
  • Server shuts down in the summer of 2002, TPM goes to ezboard. A lot of people think all hope is lost for TPM, and people start leaving. kurai/Hyrulian_Genius quits in the process as well, supposedly because of school. Many people are unsure if that is true and think it was because of the ezboard.
  • Given the unpopularity of the board, Soo (Bugsy, now Kirei) starts an AIM chat called "ummmm" which was originally intended just for fun, or one day, but people start coming there often, it spreads, and later becomes TPM's unofficial AIM chat.
  • Kevin sets up a vB, which happened to be a backup of the UBB. Everyone had their names back, and postcounts; the only problem was lack of a name change feature, but many members got used to it. A lot of members lost during the ezboard switch returned to the new board.
  • Some months later, Zak, Damian Silverblade, Murgatroyd and a few others organize a proposition to Kevin to bring back Shippers (No proms or similar activities allowed). It is successfully brought back, but Little_Pikachu (the only current admin at the time) doesn't approve. An argument breaks out between a few people, and she gets de-adminned in the process. Shipping stays alive for a few months, more members return, but they realize the shipping community on TPM had changed forever, so they agreed to let it die on TPM while being on other forums. L_P was re-adminned by the time the Shipping board died.
  • A bit later Ledian_X, a person with an unpopular reputation as a moderator in Miscellaneous quits. That has a huge impact on a lot of TPMers, some are ecstatic, some are sad, some are too shocked to say a word. That thread is deemed historic by a few people.
  • A few months later, L_P, being the only admin, and having trouble getting a hold of Kevin, adds four global moderators (as we say, supermods). Chris (from the help forum), OzAndrew (from Fanfic), Zak (from Pokémon Anime), and Lady Vulpix (from PCG). Zak loses his position for three months for opening a topic.
  • The board is upgraded to vB 3.
  • Chris becomes an admin.
  • In June of 2005, TPM's server shut down and the site had to move to a new server.
  • In July of 2005, TPM's forums reopened using Simple Machines Forum (SMF) as its new forum software.
  • November 22, 2006 - TPM changed its forum software back to vBulletin due to security reasons.

Administrators and Moderators

Here is a list of the past and present administrators and moderators of TPM's forums. The members denoted in bold are the current moderators, and the members who are italicized are past moderators - likewise for the administrators and the super moderators. The mods are in no particular order. This is not a complete list.

  • Super Moderators: Lady Vulpix, Zak, Chris, Andrew

  • General Discussion: Antiash Superstar, Austrian ViceMaster Alex, Jay Umbreon, Chris the Sandslash, Azura Stardust, Magmar, Onix11, Lugia, Woz, Raichu
  • Miscellaneous Stuff: Little_Pikachu, Raven Adonis, Kirei, Kris, GreenShirT, firepokemon, Too Cool Scyther, Ledian_X, Damian Silverblade, The Arbiter, Ninetales3001, PokeMaster Misty, ThunderTheTalkingRaichu, Reeb, kurai, The Rusted One, Silver_Espeon, kainashi, PokeChamp
  • Help/The Binary District: Chris, shazza, Little_Pikachu, kainashi, Aipom Of Doom, Cyndaquil7
  • The Pokédex Project: sgator
  • Advanced Generation/Ruby and Sapphire: Sir Chris, Number1ChanseyFan, The Muffin Man, Ultimate Charizard, Gligar_Man, Madelyn151, MetalScyther, Damian Silverblade, Dienamight, Azura Stardust, Vaporeon911
  • Gold, Silver and Crystal/Gold, Silver and Crystal Help: Mr.E, SupremeChampion, Sir Chris, Strider, Dienamight, Quicksilver, Green_Pikachu, Little_Pikachu, kurai, Number1ChanseyFan, waynetheman, heh_man, Madelyn, Blaze, Silver_Clefairy, Denryuu72
  • Red, Blue and Yellow: RaZoR LeAf, Charizard04621, SageOfLaughter, woz, SilverSuicune, The Muffin Man, Ishdul, GodofGaming, Mr. E, Tron, Ditto_Pokefreak
  • Other Pokémon Games: Razola, Dienamight, Vaporeon911, Sir Chris
  • Stadium: Dodrio, Raven Adonis
  • Trading Card Games: Roarkiller, Alec Trevelyan, Water Pokemon Master, Clicky Pen, kurai's servant, Zombie, Draggy, Dean, Ninetales3001, Jolteon999, DewGONG, Pikatogepi, PikaOhki, Gyro
  • Video Games: kurai, Metallix, Lezta, PNT510, Razola, red13n, tron, ChronoDugtrio
  • Anime Discussion/Pokémon Anime: Zak, Aglandiir, Animelee, Craig, Misty, AKA Pokemon Fan, Calaveron, Kasumi/Windforce, Hanada Tattsu, Murgatroyd, Mew26, MistyKasumiWaterflower, Machamp, Ditto_Pokefreak
  • Other Anime: Last Exile, Mewtwo-D2, EVme15, Dark-San, fat man with a monkey, PlatinumHawke, Jay Umbreon
  • Anime Style Battling: The_Missing_Link, Chris 2.0, RaZoR LeAf, Charizard04621, Yumimeru, Impereon, The Arbiter, RaichuPet, Herakasam, Ditto_Pokefreak, Blastoise #009, Porygonix, Gengachu, Cyndaquil7, tygerofdanyte, Sniper404, Hugo, Clio670, charizard_69c, Indecent Exposure, PokeMaster Julian
  • FanFiction: Andrew, PancaKe, mistysakura, Gavin Luper, dratinihaunter13, Psi Yamaneko, Timeralay, Misty Rocks, Tygerofdanyte, Damian Silverblade, PokeMasterMike, Shadow_Trainer, Blitzzzzzzz, Chicken Winger Mew, Ginger Cat
  • FanArt: Agent Elrond, Iveechan, Lightning, Meowth_Kitten, espreon, Ninetales3001, Nuriko
  • Online Pokémon Battling: Vineon, red13n, GotMiltank, Pikapeace, Ditto_Pokefreak
  • Role Playing Games: Bulbasaur4, Outlaw JT, The Muffin Man, Ultimate Charizard, Master Rudy, Ginger Cat, Azura Stardust, Tsukasa, Roy Karrde, Damian Silverblade
  • Polls, Clubs and Games: pikatogepi, Vidgamer, Lawrence_III_Fan, Pidgeot, Heracross, shazza, Angel Blossom, Dark_Flame, Silver Ledian, Quicksilver62160, cool_daddy_47, Lady Vulpix, Wolfsong, Jay, The_Missing_Link, Aipom Of Doom, Cheesey, Kirei

Historic Members

Here are a list of members who some deem as historic for whatever reason, from the thread " Historic TPM Members - they are in no particular order:

  • Happy Hoppip: Quite possibly the youngest known member of TPM. She was only 7 years old.
  • The Rusted One: An ex Misc mod, he was known for his lengthy arguments in debates and discussions.
  • Ash_300: A member with over 36,000 posts, more than any other member.
  • Grinch: Mouthy, perhaps argumentative and an infamous poster.
  • firepokemon: A loud-mouthed member who lied about many different things and constantly argued with others, making him someone who everyone loved to hate and hated to love at the same time.
  • Dodrio: Admin who had wars with firepokemon as firepokemon believed he was corrupt. Quite unpopular.
  • Kasumi: A man who pretended to be a woman... and many male members had a thing for "her".
  • Misty: Originally Catbert, he used to mod the Shipping forum and currently mods Pokémon Anime. He once got his name stuck as "Princess_Pikachu".
  • Archaic: Now webmaster of BMG, he used to mod Shipping, but was practically booted out.
  • Blitzzzzzzz: Popular moderator with over 9,000 posts to date, she disappeared a couple of years or so ago.
  • Reeb: In firepokemon's own words "forceful, responsible and intellectual". She moderated General Discussion and Misc.
  • Too Cool Scyther: Originally came from Ultimate Pokémon Network. Won the Misc Mod Elections in 2000.
  • Takeshi: Well aware of himself, he was a good poster and also disliked Dodrio. He was similar to former admin kurai, so they say.
  • KarmaChameleon: Hacked TPM back in the day, he was egotistical and many members hated him.
  • Master_Pokemon_H: A spammer who had posting competitions with shazza back in the years 2000/2001. He always used a cool smiley as his post icon.
  • Vidgamer: Great friends with shazza and used to mod PCG. Still online, but he never comes to TPM any more. He was Little Brother when TPM's Big Brother game first started.
  • Mr.E: Infamous battler for the GSC games, Mr.E mods the GSC forum, although he's nowhere near as active as he once was, given GSC's decline in popularity.
  • Ginger Cat: Ex-mod of the RPG forum, no longer comes to TPM. Wrote Fanfics too.
  • Gligar_Man: Ex-mod of Ruby and Sapphire, he was remembered for being stoned pretty much 24/7. Has since left TPM.
  • Ditto_Pokefreak: Ex-mod of RBY, Anime, Pokémon Battle Simulator (PBS), and Anime Style Battling (ASB). He was the founder of the TPM ASB League, as well as the co-creator of the PBS Anise League. He also worked on the TPM staff with his Mastery 102 Reports.
  • Nuriko: Not that widely known outside of the FanArt forum, there was a period of time where she was constantly modded and demodded due to her erratic activity. Has since left TPM due to depression, but was one of the nicest people around according to some.
  • The Muffin Man: Not the most popular of members, but recently hasn't been as disliked. Got banned in 2004 and used to mod RS and RPG, TMM is very outspoken and very well known. Is currently banned again.
  • shazza: Ex-PCG mod, still hangs around TPM and goes to the IRC chat #pbs. Was one of the most popular (if not the most popular) PCG mod but since has changed quite a bit, as he has said himself. Runs the TPM game Big Brother.
  • Lawrence_III_Fanatic: An ex PCG mod who entertained the board in late 2000-early 2001. She had an odd gimmick of saying she ate yellow socks.
  • The Arbiter: Ex mod of both the Misc and ASB forums, he was previously know as Greyfox10584. He disappeared from the forums in about 2002, but came back in late 2004.

Forum Descriptions

Here are some forum descriptions, written by housemates in PCGs game Big Brother (the 5th version).

Role Playing Games: At one point in time this particular forum was one of the most active forums on the board. These days it's still as active but almost any game started up within the forum seems to be abandoned soon after. Recent posts on the forum seem to be just members filling out forms to make characters and then either forgetting about the game in question or just disregarding it. Some of the more active and serious members seemed to have become frustrated with such actions, and other active members seem to have just given up and started slacking off or not participating in the board activities. These days the RPG forum is in a near comatose state, with updates being done once a day or so. And because of such few and far between updates, members seem to just give up on rp games far before their completion.

FanFiction: The fanfiction community on TPM’s board isn’t as recognized as the other boards but it is quite an active community on its own. Inside the Fanfic forum, there is a selection of prose fiction (short story or novel length), poetry, song lyrics, and any other literary submission. Both fandom related and original work can be found on the forum.

The forum has a set of biannual awards. Originally, they were differentiated as the Winter and Summer awards. But due to a rather trivial debate over seasonal differences, a vote was held, and they are now respectively The Silver Pens and The Golden Pencils. Whether as the Summer and winter awards or the Silver Pens and Golden Pencils awards, they have always been host to awards given to writers and readers over a large variety of categories.

Some of the recent additions to the forums have been two sub-forums – The Writers Lounge and a Completed Fiction archive. The former is a place to discuss anything from the goings on in the daily lives of members to the nuances in writing techniques, and the latter is as the name suggests an archive for completed fiction. Like some other popular forums of the past, forum numbers have dropped and along with it activity within as well.

Other Anime: Since the Pokémon anime served as a gateway to animé for many of TPM’s members, there were quite a few curious members who would ask questions about other anime. To house these questions Other Anime as a forum was created. Over time, it became home to all topics related to cartoons. Although with recent moderators of the forum, this has been disputed. The new moderators state that non-animé related topics (these include topics about other animation) should go to the Miscellaneous forum. However former moderators still argue that these topics also can find a home in Other Anime.

Often, a spirited argument will erupt regarding subbed and dubbed anime, with many members of each group guilty of the same bias they accuse the other group of.

Recent staff changes in the forum have brought a series of changes within, presumably to increase traffic and activity. There seems to have been some controversy between certain members of the forum over the staff changes.

The forum also recently started a collaborative project with the RPG forum and the Fanfiction forum to create an anime for TPM. This project has received much positive attention by members of Other Anime and the other two forums as well.

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