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Captain Stern and Dock

Dock (Japanese: ツガ Tsuga), a character in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, plays a minor role in the player's story progression; in the Chuang Yi translation, he is called Tuga. Prior to the player arriving in Slateport City, he or she is told by Mr. Stone's assistant to deliver a package to Captain Stern in Slateport. However, Stern is inaccessible until the player talks to Dock. After doing that, the Team AquaWrong template. See Template:Sup/doc.Wrong template. See Template:Sup/doc./MagmaWrong template. See Template:Sup/doc. grunts, previously preventing the player from entering the Oceanic Museum (where Captain Stern is), are not longer blocking it off. From that point, the player can advance farther in the game.

Much later in the storyline, Mr. Briney decides to help with the work on the ferry, and Dock notifies the player when he or she talks to him.

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

Dock was taken hostage by Team Magma in order to make Captain Stern give information on the Submarine Explorer 1 project. He suffered several injuries from Mack's Pokémon.

In other languages

  • French: Archibald
  • German: Bootmar
  • Italian: Timon
  • Spanish: Muéllez
  • English (Singapore): Tuga
This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.