User:Umeko/Proposed Isshu romanizations

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A list of my proposed romanizations for names.

In the "Fine but I like these romanizations better" section (third section), the only ones that I really think should be considered for changing are the ones where I removed double vowels; the reason for this is because if they aren't, people unfamiliar with the Japanese language will grossly misinterpret the pronunciation (eg. "Hatooboo" sounds completely ridiculous if pronounced with an English mindset).

Trademarked so don't touch them or I will cut you

Idex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#000 #0494 Victini Victini Psychic Fire
#001 #0495 Tsutarja Tsutarja Grass
#004 #0498 Pokabu Pokabu Fire
#007 #0501 Mijumaru Mijumaru Water
#017 #0511 Yanappu Yanappu Grass
#023 #0517 Munna Munna Psychic
#024 #0518 Musharna Musharna Psychic
#035 #0529 Mogurew Mogurew Ground
#036 #0530 Doryuzu Doryuzu Ground Steel
#037 #0531 Tabunne Tabunne Normal
#060 #0554 Darumakka Darumakka Fire
#076 #0570 Zorua Zorua Dark
#077 #0571 Zoroark Zoroark Dark
#078 #0572 Chillarmy Chillarmy Normal
#091 #0585 Shikijika Shikijika Normal Grass
#093 #0587 Emonga Emonga Electric Flying
#116 #0610 Kibago Kibago Dragon
#118 #0612 Ononokus Ononokus Dragon
#149 #0643 Reshiram Reshiram Dragon Fire
#150 #0644 Zekrom Zekrom Dragon Electric
#152 #0646 Kyurem Kyurem Dragon Ice

Fine as they are

Idex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#002 #0496 Janoby Janoby Grass
#003 #0497 Jaroda Jaroda Grass
#005 #0499 Chaobu Chaobu Fire Fighting
#006 #0500 Enbuoo Enbuoo Fire Fighting
#008 #0502 Futachimaru Futachimaru Water
#009 #0503 Daikenki Daikenki Water
#010 #0504 Minezumi Minezumi Normal
#011 #0505 Miruhoggu Miruhoggu Normal
#012 #0506 Yorterrie Yorterrie Normal
#015 #0509 Choroneko Choroneko Dark
#018 #0512 Yanakki Yanakki Grass
#019 #0513 Baoppu Baoppu Fire
#020 #0514 Baokki Baokki Fire
#021 #0515 Hiyappu Hiyappu Water
#022 #0516 Hiyakki Hiyakki Water
#025 #0519 Mamepato Mamepato Normal Flying
#027 #0521 Kenhorou Kenhorou Normal Flying
#028 #0522 Shimama Shimama Electric
#030 #0524 Dangoro Dangoro Rock
#032 #0526 Gigaiasu Gigaiasu Rock
#033 #0527 Koromori Koromori Psychic Flying
#034 #0528 Kokoromori Kokoromori Psychic Flying
#039 #0533 Dotekkotsu Dotekkotsu Fighting
#041 #0535 Otamaro Otamaro Water
#042 #0536 Gamagaru Gamagaru Water Ground
#043 #0537 Gamageroge Gamageroge Water Ground
#044 #0538 Nageki Nageki Fighting
#045 #0539 Dageki Dageki Fighting
#046 #0540 Kurumiru Kurumiru Bug Grass
#047 #0541 Kurumayu Kurumayu Bug Grass
#048 #0542 Hahakomori Hahakomori Bug Grass
#049 #0543 Fushide Fushide Bug Poison
#050 #0544 Hoiiga Hoiiga Bug Poison
#051 #0545 Pendora Pendora Bug Poison
#052 #0546 Monmen Monmen Grass
#055 #0549 Doredia Doredia Grass
#056 #0550 Basurao Basurao Water
#061 #0555 Hihidaruma Hihidaruma Fire
#063 #0557 Ishizumai Ishizumai Bug Rock
#064 #0558 Iwaparesu Iwaparesu Bug Rock
#065 #0559 Zuruggu Zuruggu Dark Fighting
#066 #0560 Zuruzukin Zuruzukin Dark Fighting
#068 #0562 Desumasu Desumasu Ghost
#069 #0563 Desukaan Desukaan Ghost
#070 #0564 Purotoga Purotoga Rock Water
#074 #0568 Yabukuron Yabukuron Poison
#075 #0569 Dasutodasu Dasutodasu Poison
#079 #0573 Chillachino Chillachino Normal
#080 #0574 Gochimu Gochimu Psychic
#081 #0575 Gochimiru Gochimiru Psychic
#082 #0576 Gochiruzeru Gochiruzeru Psychic
#086 #0580 Koaruhii Koaruhii Water Flying
#087 #0581 Swanna Swanna Water Flying
#092 #0586 Mebukijika Mebukijika Normal Grass
#095 #0589 Shubarugo Shubarugo Bug Steel
#096 #0590 Tamagetake Tamagetake Grass Poison
#097 #0591 Morobareru Morobareru Grass Poison
#098 #0592 Pururiru Pururiru Water Ghost
#100 #0594 Mamanbou Mamanbou Water
#105 #0599 Giaru Giaru Steel
#106 #0600 Gigiaru Gigiaru Steel
#107 #0601 Gigigiaru Gigigiaru Steel
#108 #0602 Shibishirasu Shibishirasu Electric
#109 #0603 Shibibiru Shibibiru Electric
#110 #0604 Shibirudon Shibirudon Electric
#113 #0607 Hitomoshi Hitomoshi Ghost Fire

Fine but if I think these romanizations fit the name origin better or are more likely to be trademarked just look better period

Idex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#013 #0507 Haderrier Haderrier Normal
#026 #0520 Hatoboh Hatoboh Normal Flying
#029 #0523 Zebraika Zebraika Electric
#031 #0525 Gantle Gantle Rock
#038 #0532 Dokkolar Dokkolar Fighting
#053 #0547 Elfuun Elfuun Grass
#054 #0548 Tuline Tuline Grass
#057 #0551 Meguroco Meguroco Ground Dark
#058 #0552 Warubil Warubil Ground Dark
#059 #0553 Warubial Warubial Ground Dark
#071 #0565 Abagora Abagora Rock Water
#072 #0566 Arken Arken Rock Flying
#073 #0567 Arkeos Arkeos Rock Flying
#083 #0577 Uniran Uniran Psychic
#084 #0578 Doubran Doubran Psychic
#085 #0579 Ranculus Ranculus Psychic
#088 #0582 Vanipucchi Vanipucchi Ice
#089 #0583 Vanilicchi Vanilicchi Ice
#090 #0584 Vaivanilla Vaivanilla Ice
#101 #0595 Batul Batul Bug Electric
#102 #0596 Dentula Dentula Bug Electric
#103 #0597 Tesseed Tesseed Grass Steel
#111 #0605 Rigure Rigure Psychic
#112 #0556 Ohbemu Ohbemu Psychic
#114 #0608 Lamplar Lamplar Ghost Fire
#115 #0609 Chandelar Chandelar Ghost Fire

JUST PLAIN WRONG at the moment so here are my proposed fixes

Idex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#014 #0508 Murando Murando Normal
#016 #0510 Leopardas Leopardas Dark
#040 #0534 Robushin Robushin Fighting
#062 #0556 Maraccachi Maraccachi Grass
#067 #0561 Symbolar Symbolar Psychic Flying
#094 #0588 Kaburumo Kaburumo Bug
#099 #0593 Burungel Burungel Water Ghost
#104 #0598 Nattorei Nattorei Grass Steel

Haven't gotten to these yet because this is getting tiring

Idex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#117 #0611 Onondo Onondo Dragon
#119 #0613 Kumashun Kumashun Ice
#120 #0614 Tsunbear Tsunbear Ice
#121 #0615 Furijiio Furijiio Ice
#122 #0616 Chobomaki Chobomaki Bug
#123 #0617 Agirudaa Agirudaa Bug
#124 #0618 Maggyo Maggyo Electric Ground
#125 #0619 Kojofu Kojofu Fighting
#126 #0620 Kojondo Kojondo Fighting
#127 #0621 Kurimugan Kurimugan Dragon
#128 #0622 Gobitto Gobitto Ground Ghost
#129 #0623 Goruggo Goruggo Ground Ghost
#130 #0624 Komatana Komatana Dark Steel
#131 #0625 Kirikizan Kirikizan Dark Steel
#132 #0626 Buffalon Buffalon Normal
#133 #0627 Washibon Washibon Normal Flying
#134 #0628 Wargle Wargle Normal Flying
#135 #0629 Baruchai Baruchai Dark Flying
#136 #0630 Barujiina Barujiina Dark Flying
#137 #0631 Kuitaran Kuitaran Fire
#138 #0632 Aianto Aianto Bug Steel
#139 #0633 Monozu Monozu Dark Dragon
#140 #0634 Jiheddo Jiheddo Dark Dragon
#141 #0635 Sazando Sazando Dark Dragon
#142 #0636 Meraruba Meraruba Bug Fire
#143 #0637 Urugamoth Urugamoth Bug Fire
#144 #0638 Kobaruon Kobaruon Steel Fighting
#145 #0639 Terakion Terakion Rock Fighting
#146 #0640 Birijion Birijion Grass Fighting
#147 #0641 Torunerosu Torunerosu Flying
#148 #0642 Borutorosu Borutorosu Electric Flying
#151 #0645 Randorosu Randorosu Ground Flying
#153 #0647 Kerudio Kerudio Water Fighting
#154 #0648 Meroetta Meroetta Normal Psychic
#155 #0649 Genosect Genosect Bug Steel