Kanto Route 4

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Route 4 is short path from one of the exits of Mt. Moon to Cerulean City. In Generation I, TM 04 Whirlwind was found on this path. In Generation III, two Move Tutors will teach Mega Punch and Mega Kick, which may be useful in an early stage of the game..

There's a ledge on the east side of the path. If the main character hops down, there's no going back to the previous towns until either they travel through Diglette's Cave and use Cut, or use Fly - both occur later in the games.

In Generation II, on certain nights, Clefiary will dance and pray to a Moon Stone on this path. By interrupting the dance and taking the Evolutionary Stone, the player can potentially always find one.

Pokémon that Appear on Route 4
