Cilan's Pansage

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Revision as of 10:48, 14 October 2010 by Bye (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{AnimePokémonInfobox| type1=Grass| ball=Poké| trainername=Dent| pokemonname=Yanappu| jtrainername=デントの| jpokemonname=ヤナップ| tmtrainername=Dent| tmpokemonname=Ya...")
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Dent's Yanappu
デントののヤナップ Dent's Yanappu
File:Dento Yanappu.png
Dento and Yanappu
Debuts in BW004
Caught at Isshu
Gender Unknown
Ability Unknown
Current location With Dento
This Pokémon has not evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Yanappu Chika Fujimura Unknown

(Japanese: デントのヤナップ Dent's Yanappu) is the first and only pokemon owned by Dento.


File:Yanappu Bullet Seed.png
Using SolarBeam
Move First Used In
Solar Beam  BW005
Bullet Seed  BW005
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

In the games


Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Yanappu.

Template:Dent's Pokémon