Magmortar (03-011)

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Revision as of 14:20, 24 January 2011 by Chiefboz (talk | contribs) (Created a puck page for Project Battrio.)
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Magmortar (Japanese: ブーバーン Booburn) is a Pokémon Battrio puck. It is a part of the Mewtwo's Challenge expansion.

ブーバーン Booburn

Art from Mewtwo's Challenge expansion

art from Mewtwo's Challenge expansion

Back art from expansion
Name Magmortar
Rarity Hyper
Option 1 2 3
Name Invisible Shiny Invisible Shiny
Attack type Fire Grass Grass
Defense type Fire Grass Grass
Level 45
Attack power ●●●●
Defense power ●●●●●
Speed ►►►►►
HP 75 45 45
Base color:
Spin color:
Pokémon Battrio puck 03-011


Option 1
Fire Blast
Critical Hit Ratio ???
Unknown probability
Option 2
Vine Whip
Critical Hit Ratio ???
Unknown probability
Option 3
Vine Whip
Critical Hit Ratio ???
Unknown probability

Template:Project Battrio notice