
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 07:00, 24 December 2004 by Archaic (talk | contribs)

Bulbagarden's Pokédex, commonly known as the Bulbadex, is a project that was started in earnest in June of 2004, inspired partially by Gengar's Infodex on the original Bulbagarden website. As with any Pokédex, the function of the Bulbadex is to help Pokémon trainers with their queries regarding the 386 currently-existing Pokémon. The Bulbadex utilizes a customized user interface that, in conjunction with an enormous database, provides the very best in up-to-date Pokémon data.

The Bulbadex provides information not just on Pokémon themselves, but also numerous other topics, including DVs, Natures, Attacks (in a MoveDex), and Pokémon personalities.

The Bulbadex Project is slated to be completed by August of 2005.

Special Features

[Coming Soon]