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F.E.A.R. is a widely-known strategy used in competitive battling, often used as a last resort. A Pokemon with the ability to have the moveset below is called a F.E.A.R. Pokemon. This Pokemon is capable of defeating a full-HP opponent at virtually any level (most notably L.100) while itself is only at L.1 or 2. The most common Pokemon used for this strategy is a Rattata. F.E.A.R. Stands for:

How to use F.E.A.R.

After one of your Pokemon the player's Pokemon faints, the L.2 F.E.A.R. Pokemon can be sent out against a (preferrably) full-HP oppenent at L.100 (though other situations will work, though perhaps not as well). During your first turn, have your F.E.A.R. Pokemon use Endeavor, and your opponent will most likely use an offensive attack to try to OHKO your F.E.A.R. (assuming, of course, your oppenent isn't aware of this strategy, as few are in competitve battling). Your Pokemon would indeed faint, if it was not holding the Focus Fash, which allows the user to hold on to 1 HP after a hit which would have knocked it out from max-HP. When your Pokemon uses Endeavor, the opponent will sustain the difference between their HP and yours (which is at this point 1), leaving them with about 1 HP. Have your F.E.A.R. Pokemon use Quick Attack the next turn to whipe out the rest of your opponents HP. Obviously, this strategy works only once per battle, seeing as Focus Sash will not work twice.

Countering F.E.A.R.

While an impressive strategy, F.E.A.R. is widely spread, making it next to useless, as many teams are able to counter it and players are aware how it works and how to stop it from working. The following are four ways to counter the F.E.A.R. strategy:

  • Knowledge - The simplest strategy and perhaps the most effective. If your oppenent knows the F.E.A.R. strategy, they won't attack as needed for it to work (a damaging move), or they will switch out for a Pokemon immune to it or can easily counter it. Besides the other three counters listed here, a player could switch out after the opponent's F.E.A.R. uses Endeavor, leaving it with 1 HP and another Pokemon to sweep the F.E.A.R.
  • Ghost-types - As Ghost-types are immune to Normal- and Fighting-type attacks, Endeavor and Quick Attack are useless against them.
  • A Pokemon with Quick Attack, Extremespeed, Sucker Punch, Ice Shard, or other automatic, first-hit effects - If your opponent attacks you before you can use Quick Attack, your Pokemon will not endure the hit, leaving your opponent with little HP, but leaving you with one Pokemon down.
  • F.E.A.R. - Ironically, a way to combat a F.E.A.R. Pokemon is having it face another F.E.A.R. Pokemon (or some other low-level Pokemon). Having roughly the same HP, both F.E.A.R.s would do little damage towards each other. It isn't, however, practical or useful to carry a F.E.A.R. Pokemon just for the sake of combating another F.E.A.R., as both Pokemon are about evenly-matched.

F.E.A.R.-capable Pokemon

The F.E.A.R. strategy can be used with the following Pokemon:

The following Pokemon have attacks necessary for the F.E.A.R. strategy, yet have no way of obtaining them at Lv.1.

Marriland vs. Untouchable

Marriland, the owner of the self-named Pokemon website made famous this strategy in a battle against a player with a team of L.100 Pokemon, several of which were Legendary (called "Untouchable"). The battle can be seen here: (