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-PKMN is a glitch Pokémon that appears in Pokémon Red & Blue. It occupies hexadecimal slot DE. It is a hybrid of Magnemite and shares the same sprite. If encountered in the wild, a glitch trainer is encountered with a -PKMN. The music usually gets corrupted badly. Its name takes up a lot of space, requiring the player to press A a few times to clear it. When caught (using a cheat), its cry is a long string of glitchy sounds. These sounds can lock up the game, similar to h POKé. Viewing the moves can have the same effect. The only way to bypass this is to have a Magnemite registered as "owned" in the Pokédex.


By leveling up

Generation I
Other generations:
 Level   Move   Type   Power   Accuracy   PP 
00Start Tackle Normal 03535 095}}95% 35
1010 Super Glitch Glitch 0000 —}}—%
1313 Pay Day Normal 04040 100}}100% 20