Well. Uh. Hey there. My name is BaileyPlaysPokemon. Yep, just linked you back to this exact same website. I figure I should edit this at least a little bit so that my name isn't that embarrassing red color, but honestly I will do a full overhaul of this page later.
Lame small talk
Anyways, I'm a Generation I fanboy and a Charmander lover til I die. Been playing the games since '98, took a slight break after being disgruntle with Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, but when Soul Silver was released, I knew I had to have it. Generation V has been the best one in about a decade in my opinion, and while I still wouldn't say it's as good as Generation II (and shouldn't be used in the same sentence as Gen. I). Still, I try not to be the stereotypical h8er that a lot of bitter Gen. I fanboys turn into. I'm trying my best and taking Pokémon one day at a time. I will do a much better edit on this in the future, but feel free to comment below! I happily await any comments you have if you do in fact have them.