Shadow Pokémon
Shadow Pokémon are artifically altered Pokémon produced by Cipher in Orre. Collecting them via Snagging and restoring them to normal is the main goal in Pokémon Colosseum.
A Shadow Pokémon has been turned into a souless fighting machine by artifically shutting off it's emotions. Ein, the brains behind the Shadow Pokémon process, refers to this as "shutting the door to their hearts".
Shadow Pokémon radiate a black aura that cannot normally be seen. However, Rui has psychic abilities that allow her to recognize Shadow Pokémon on sight. It was for this reason that she was kidnapped by members of Cipher.
The overwhelimg power of Shadow Pokémon causes them to behave oddly and irrationally. This feral state is called Hyper Mode.
Pokémon in Hyper Mode will ignore orders, and sometimes turn on their own trainers. While a Pokémon is in Hyper Mode, Shadow Rush will hit critically more often.
However, Hyper Mode prevents the use of items on the deranged Pokémon. Calling the Pokémon by it's name will return it to it's senses and end Hyper Mode. Doing this also causes the Pokémon's heart to open.
There are several ways to purify a Shadow Pokémon, their effectiveness varries according to the individual nature of a Pokémon.
As the process continues, the Shadow Pokémon slowly regains it's original moves and personality. When a Pokémon is finally purified, it will gain all the EXP it has built up, along with a powerful move.
The time-traveling Pokémon Celebi has the power to enhance the purfication process. When a Shadow Pokémon meets Celebi, it's heart will instantly revert to it's original form. Wes can use a Time Flute once to summon Celebi and purify any Pokémon at any time.
Celebi's shrine in the Relic Cave of Agate Village has the power to complete the purification process.