Talk:Maiden War
Album Title
I think that the translation the title of this CD is a little inaccurate although the title is Z女戦争 this is actually just a visual pun on the group's name Momoiro Clover Z, the English letter Z has been chosen here for the close resemblance to the character 乙 as in 乙女 (otome) meaning "maiden". The pronounciation of this song in Japanese is still "otome sensou" you can see it in the music video for the song this CD is named for as furigana right above the song's title. So in hirgana this song is written as おとめせんそう (Otome Sensou) not "Z Onna Sensou" or "Z Jo Sensou"
Here is the video for evidence.
So a better translation, taking the furigana into account would be "Maiden War" or "Maiden's War", if an assistance on getting the visual pun through, something like "Maiden'Z War" or "MaidenZ War" would be alright, if a little ugly to look at.