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Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden, or Bulbagarden is an English Pokémon community. It is most well known for it's forums, and arguably its lack of a website.

The original Bulbagarden.com website was run by Anenga Chris as part of the Anenga network and was in operation during the so-called heyday of Pokemon Websites, in the peerage of such esteemed sites as TPM, Azure Heights, and Serebii.net. The original site was shut down in 2001. [Date in question.]

Archaic brought the site back in late 2002, contracting the services of some of the best and most well-versed people in the Pokemon community at the time. After opening up on January 1, 2003, Bulbagarden.com prospered, quickly gaining memberships on the forums and struggling to put a worthy site up for operations. A pilot site had been completed, but a full version was never offered.

About a year later, the Bulbagarden.com URL ran out and was promptly bought out by a company devoted to SPAM. After many attempts to reestablish the site at Bulbagarden.com, it was decided to move to a .net domain, becoming (as it is today) Bulbagarden.net, which carries on the traditions and members of the Archaic-run Bulbagarden. Since then, the site has faced Denial of Service attacks and various other troubles, but manages to stick together with a fantastic community of devoted fans who enjoy engaging in lively discussions about a myriad of topics, and continues to grow and thrive.

Bulbagarden's current projects include but are not limited to the [Destinies Project], a player-interactive RPG, a [[1]], and various other anime synopses and Pokemon data classification projects.

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