Pocket Monsters Film Comic

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Pocket Monsters Film Comic is a series of graphic novels published by CoroCoro in Japan. Each volume of Pocket Monsters Film Comic adapts about four episodes of the Pokémon anime into comics, plus extra content such as Pokédex entries and character biographies.

While the full Pocket Monsters Film Comic series has not been translated into English by VIZ Media or Chuang Yi, the first six chapters were translated by VIZ Media in a collaboration with Nintendo Power magazine and published in a book entitled Pokémon TV Animation Comic - I Choose You!.

List of Pocket Monsters Film comic volumes

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Cover artwork Volume number Episodes included
10 あらしのサイクリングロード Stormy Cycling Road
メタモンとものまねむすめ Metamon and the Copycat Girl
ピカチュウのもり Forest of Pikachu
イーブイ4きょうだい The Four Eievui Brothers
12 うたって!プリン! Sing! Purin!
ふっかつ!? かせきポケモン! Resurrection?! Fossil Pokémon!
ラッキーのカルテ Lucky's Clinical Records
ガーディとコジロウ Gardie and Kojirō


  • Although a chapter for EP038 was skipped, the missing episode is acknowledged by the numbering of the other chapters (the numbered chapters skip from 37 to 39). EP038 was given the same treatment in TV Anime Pocket Monsters Big Bite Book.

Pokémon Ani-Manga books
Pokémon TV Animation Comic - I Choose You!Pokémon the First MoviePokémon the Movie 2000
Giratina and the Sky WarriorAll That Pikachu!Pikachu's Short Stories
Japan only: Pocket Monsters Film ComicEmperor of the Crystal TowerCelebi: a Timeless Encounter
Guardian Gods of the City of Water: Latias and LatiosArceus and the Jewel of Life

People, companies, and series related to Pokémon books
Authors and illustrators: Akihito TodaBill MichaelsGregg SaconHiroshi TakaseHoward DewinJason R. Rich
Jennifer L. JohnsonKatherine FangKatherine NollKazunori AiharaMaria S. BarboMichael Mikaelian
Michael TeitelbaumS. E. HellerSheila SweenySimcha WhitehillTracey West
Publishers: Chuang Yi (Singapore) • Golden Books (USA) • Outland forlag (Norway) • Panini Comics (Italy) • Pikachu Press (USA)
Scholastic (USA) • Shogakukan (Japan) • Shogakukan Asia (Singapore) • VIZ Media (USA)
Series: Element PokédexLet's Find Pokémon!Pathways to AdventurePocket Monsters Film ComicPocket Monsters Series
Pokémon Adventure SeriesPokémon Chapter BooksPokémon JuniorPokémon Keychain Books
Pokémon Pack PalsPokémon ReaderPokémon TalesThe Official Pokémon FictionThe Official Pokémon Early Reader

This book article is part of Project Merchandise, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all Pokémon toys, dolls, books, and collectible merchandise.