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Magnet Pull
Flavor text
Magnet Pull (Japanese: じりょく Magnetism) is an Ability introduced in Generation III. Five Pokémon can have this Ability, all of which are part of an evolution family that undergoes its final evolution by leveling up at Mt. Coronet in Sinnoh or Chargestone Cave in Unova, are in the Mineral Egg Group (though one family is genderless), are Steel-type or evolve into one, and have Sturdy as a secondary Ability.
In battle
Magnet Pull traps Steel-type Pokémon, making them unable to leave battle except by holding a Shed Shell, using Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch.
In a Double Battle or Triple Battle, Magnet Pull does not affect the partner Pokémon.
In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness, a Pokémon with Magnet Pull immobilizes Steel-type Pokémon that attack it directly, preventing them from moving for a few turns.
Outside of battle
From Pokémon Emerald onwards, if a Pokémon with Magnet Pull is leading the party, then the likelihood of encountering wild Steel-type Pokémon is 150% of the usual.
Pokémon with Magnet Pull
In the manga
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
If the opponent is a Steel-type Pokémon, it isn't allowed to leave the battlefield. The opponent also cannot jump into the air, and is stuck to the ground until the user is defeated.
First Chapter Used In
If the opponent is a Steel-type Pokémon, it isn't allowed to leave the battlefield. It also cannot jump into the air, and is stuck to the ground until Nosepass or the opponent is defeated.
Roxanne's Nosepass
VS. Nosepass I
A burst of invisible energy comes off Magnezone's body and it can attract all metal objects all around it. It pulls the metal objects onto the magnets on its body.
Cyrus's Magnezone
VS. Probopass and Magnezone II
In other languages