The Enigma Stone is very similar to the Eon Ticket. Like the Generation III event item, the Stone will trigger the appearance of the Eon Pokémon not found roaming in the version being played. In HeartGold, this is Latios; in SoulSilver, this is Latias. Also much like the Eon Ticket, the player must have defeated the Elite Four and received the National Pokédex before the event can be triggered. The Enigma Stone may be downloaded by anyone who has received the Pokédex, but they must first complete the requirements mentioned above before they can trigger the event.
If it is taken to the Pewter Museum of Science, traveling Pokémon Champion Steven Stone will have a researcher examine it, who discovers that it is really Soul Dew, an item said to be the crystallized souls of Latias and Latios. After this brief encounter, depending on the game version, one of the twin Eon Pokémon will attack the player, presenting the opportunity for it to be captured. It will keep returning to the same spot until captured.
This item was available via Wi-Fi to the Japanese versions of the games from November 27, 2009 to January 11, 2010 and the North American and PAL versions from July 31, 2010 to August 27, 2010. In Japan it was revealed along with the upcoming event for HeartGold and SoulSilver, the 10th Anniversary Mew.
Visit to learn how to meet LATIAS or LATIOS in Pewter City! Be sure to save the game once you pick up the Enigma Stone at a Poké Mart.
*Carte Miracle
Le Mystécristal!
Allez sur pour savoir comment rencontrer LATIOS ou LATIAS à Argenta. Sauvegardez une fois le Mystécristal récupéré dans une Boutique Pokémon.
Ein Mytokristall nur für dich!
Besuche und erfahre, wie du in Marmoria City an ein LATIOS oder LATIAS gelangst. Hole den Kristall im PKMN-Supermarkt ab und speichere dein Spiel.
*Scheda Segreta
Misticristal in regalo!
Visita e scopri come catturare LATIOS o LATIAS a Plumbeopoli! Ricorda di salvare dopo avere ottenuto Misticristal in un Pokémon-Market.
*Tarj. misteriosta
¡El Misticristal!
¡Visita y descubre cómo encontrar a LATIOS o a LATIAS en Ciudad Plateada! Recuerda guarder la partida al recoger el Misticristal en la Tienda Pokémon.
*이상한 카드
수수께끼의수정 선물
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