User talk:Bulbasaura123

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Revision as of 07:27, 24 August 2013 by Bulbasaura123 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "X and Y Anime Discussion: Usually I'm kinda happy and the Bw series is almost to the end,but I'm still worried about Ash's future. Why Ash in BW series got almost ditched out ...")
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Latest comment: 24 August 2013 by Bulbasaura123

X and Y Anime Discussion: Usually I'm kinda happy and the Bw series is almost to the end,but I'm still worried about Ash's future. Why Ash in BW series got almost ditched out by the anime series and put Iris and Cilan to be popularized? Why some of the BW episodes gets overpass by new characters and old pals and not Ash focused in the anime? So I asked you guys.What do you think will happen if Ash is in the XY series? Bulbasaura123 (talk) 07:27, 24 August 2013 (UTC)Reply