Talk:Geosenge Town

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Revision as of 12:41, 29 November 2013 by Relicant (talk | contribs)

Latest comment: 29 November 2013 by Relicant

Name is based on Ginseng? In what way? Geosenge really just seems to be based on Geo and Stonehenge.

Erikhogue (talk) 12:03, 29 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

Same way Siebold is derived from sea, mayhap? --The Truth aka Relicant 12:12, 29 November 2013 (UTC)Reply
Relicant, that point has nothing to do with this article. Don't bring it up here. ☆The Solar Dragon12:36, 29 November 2013 (UTC)Reply
My point was... Ginseng is pronounced+spelt similar to Geosenge, similar to how sea is pronounced and spelt similar to the "sie" in Siebold. Stop throwing that stupid accusation around. --The Truth aka Relicant 12:41, 29 November 2013 (UTC)Reply