Put a notice that is a incompletr page. There are more sections missed.
I made this page because AmourShipping is so important now to not have a page yet. - unsigned comment from Nymphia (talk • contribs)
About Serena cheering for Ash
The fact that Serena cheered for Ash is an Amoushipping hint, but it is not an opportunity to diminish other ships. Misty, Dawn, and Iris all went to great lengths to cheer for Ash as well during battles. I have seen people on Tumblr discussing the content of this page and they seemed upset that false information was published. Please keep to only Amourshipping hints without mentioning other ships. Otherwise, OTP biases find their way on ;) Mooites (talk) 05:02, 17 November 2013 (UTC)
Should it be added that in xy009, serena was mad at clemont even though it wasn't her that got kicked out of his gym or something? Taeuknam (talk) 04:58, 9 December 2013 (UTC)