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Revision as of 01:27, 14 January 2014 by NOBODY (talk | contribs) (No replying to discussions over 6 months old)
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Latest comment: 5 August 2012 by Ganamex

I don't want to do this without asking: would anyone object to me erasing the trivia paragraph about this episode being inspired by Dostoevsky's "The Little Orphan" and replacing it with the fact that it's almost certainly based on A Dog of Flanders? Because given that the details present in the episode match up exactly to the ending of "A Dog of Flanders" and given the fact that the latter is very widely known in Japan, I would wager any similarity to Dostoevsky's story is just incidental to the fact that "The Little Orphan" is itself similar in some ways to "A Dog of Flanders." Basically I don't want to just up and replace the paragraph without asking because it's a long bit of trivia, but I'm also confident that it's an incorrect bit of trivia, so. --Ganamex (talk) 05:24, 5 August 2012 (UTC)Reply