My Favourite Pokémon
If anyone sees this and knows how to add a template with the fancy box for Pokémon, it would be greatly appreciated if you tell me and place an example, I will move this to the user page when I am given permission to create it.
Mostly Gen 1 / 3^(FR/LG) and some Gen 2 (and one Gen 3). All excluding the Gen 2 ones are also obtainable in Pokémon Fire Red, my favourite Pokémon game and I may or may not've got them all to level 100 at some point before...
Charmander/Charizard (Don't like chameleon)
Eevee/Umbreon/Jolteon (Don't like Espeon or other Eeveelutions)
Omanyte/Omastar(Our Master/Lord Helix)
...Pikachu (Who doesn't?)
My Favourite Moves
Again, will be moved to User Page when I have permissions.
Again, mostly Gen 1 / 3(FR/LG)
Curiously my favourites are mostly those even though my first game was Gen 3 - Pokémon Ruby.
Spore/Hypnosis/Sleep Powder/Sing