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Revision as of 15:30, 10 July 2014 by Tiddlywinks (talk | contribs) (Times of day: bad end (assuming the Hex Maniac's times in Anistar City "canonically" reflect morning/noon/eve/night))
2:31 AM UTC
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Time is a mechanic in the Pokémon games. It was introduced in Generation II and has been a major component of all games released afterward. Time affects both the evolution of several Pokémon and whether certain Pokémon can be found in the wild. Some events may take place at a specific time of day, or on a particular day of the week.

Berries are governed by the time function, maturing after a certain amount of time has passed. Much like weather conditions, the games' time function has been revised and expanded in each subsequent generation after its introduction.

Generation II

Route 29 in the morning

In Generation II, the changing time of day was a highly touted feature for the games; several Pokémon were even designed with this in mind, such as Hoothoot and Noctowl, while others would only appear in certain areas at certain times of day.

At the beginning of all three games, the clock would be set upon starting a new game, even before the player is named. The default time is 10:00 AM. The clock can be reset through a code in all three games, though it is more difficult to do so in Pokémon Crystal. The player's mother will change the clock by an hour for daylight saving time.

Eevee was given two new evolutions to take advantage of the changing time: Espeon, which it would become if its friendship maxed out during the morning or day, and Umbreon, which it would become if its friendship maxed during the night.

Times of day

Morning Day Night
4:00 AM - 9:59 AM 10:00 AM - 5:59 PM 6:00 PM - 3:59 AM


Morning, an hour in which many Pokémon Trainers are still asleep, is when there are many Bug-type Pokémon scurrying out and about. For the most part, however, Morning is much the same as Day, as far as Pokémon distribution goes. Morning lasts from 4:00 AM to 9:59 AM, and the rising sun tints the entire landscape with a yellowish hue.

Daytime near the water.


The daytime is the busiest time in the Pokémon world, as most people are up and about at this time. The same is true of Pokémon, who appear often and in many varieties. The landscape is not tinted at all during this time, making it seem closer to the timeless games of Generation I. Day lasts from 10:00 AM to 5:59 PM.


A drastic change from the other two time periods, at night most Pokémon are sleeping, with the exception of a few night owls. It is at this time that players will be able to find the most sleeping Pokémon by Headbutting trees, which will give them an advantage in battle. The entire world will be colored a bluish-purple, and lights will be on in buildings all over. Wild Pokémon battles taking place at night use a slightly different music track. The longest of Generation II's three time periods, nighttime hours last from 6:00 PM to 3:59 AM.

Nighttime. Note the building lights illuminating brightly.

Days of the week

Main article: Days of the week

When the Pokégear is first received, the player's mother will ask him or her to set the day of the week as well. This affects several things, such as the National Park's Bug-Catching Contest and which of the Week Siblings appears, though not much else.

Changing the Clock

Note: In order to reset the clock, the player must input these codes on the title screen.

Pokémon Gold and Silver

Simultaneously hold down ↓, SELECT, and B.

Pokémon Crystal

  • Hold ↓, SELECT, and B
  • Release ↓ and B, while still holding SELECT
  • Hold ← and ↑, while still holding SELECT
  • Release SELECT

Generation III

Unlike Generation II, Generation III had no separate time periods, or even an ability to check the time in-game unless the player traveled back to Littleroot Town, where he or she had set an analog clock at the beginning of the game. Also, unlike Generation II, the time-based events were very few and extremely far between, with the clock mostly running to keep track of the growth of planted Berries (although this was not completely foolproof).

Additionally, there is no way to change the clock for Daylight Saving Time in this generation. There was, however, some premise in the games. For example, Shoal Cave's water level would change every six hours, at 3:00 and 9:00 AM and PM. Just the same, Eevee would be able to evolve into Espeon if the in-game time was between 12:00 PM and 11:59 PM. Eevee would also be able to evolve into Umbreon if the in-game time was between 12:00 AM and 11:59 AM.

Shoal Cave tides
High Tide Low Tide
9:00 PM - 2:59 AM
9:00 AM - 2:59 PM
3:00 AM - 8:59 AM
3:00 PM - 8:59 PM
Time-based evolutions
Day Evolution Night Evolution
12:00 PM - 11:59 PM 12:00 AM - 11:59 AM

Although a small part of the game, some events occur on a daily basis. Lilycove Department Store gives out Pokémon Loto Tickets for the Pokémon Lottery Corner, with the winning number changing daily. An old man who lives in Pacifidlog Town looks out for Mirage Island, and will, every day, generate a random number between 0 and 65535 and if this number matches the personality value of any of the Pokémon in the party, Mirage Island will appear in the game.

In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, however, the time function is completely absent, allowing it to be more like the Generation I games. This also makes it impossible for Eevee to evolve into either Espeon or Umbreon in these games. In order to do so, the player would have to trade Eevee to Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald and have it evolve in one of those games. The same holds true for Pokémon Colosseum, where Espeon and Umbreon are obtainable as Starter Pokémon. In XD, Eevee can only be evolved into Espeon or Umbreon by a method that is not time-dependent, the Sun and Moon Shards.

Generation IV

The overworld as it cycles through the day.

In Generation IV, the time function returned fully. This time, however, it would run off the Nintendo DS's system clock, though it would return many of the functions originally released in Generation II. Many new Pokémon also now would evolve based upon the time of day. For example, Gligar will only evolve into Gliscor at night.

The three time periods from Generation II return, with better transitions between them, assumed by many before the games were released as different time periods themselves. Also running off the DS's clock is the same day-of-the-week function from the Generation II games, though this time, by running off the DS, it keeps track of the date of capture of every Pokémon. It also determines when certain events may take place; for example, Drifloon only appear in the Valley Windworks on Fridays, and rival battles in the Battle Zone only may be initiated on weekends.

The Pokédex also has a new function that displays where Pokémon are found in each time period. When it is first opened, the Sinnoh Pokédex will also default to the current time of day.

Times of day

Morning Day Night
4:00 AM - 9:59 AM 10:00 AM - 7:59 PM 8:00 PM - 3:59 AM


Morning tints everything a pale blue color, changing from dark blue of night into bright blue of daytime. Morning lasts from 4:00 AM to 9:59 AM.


Everything takes on its natural color during the day. Day lasts from 10:00 AM to 7:59 PM, with twilight lasting from around 5:00 PM until night sets in. Twilight has its own set of eyecatches.


Much like its Generation II counterpart, the world is dark, but pockmarked by the bright lights of buildings. Night lasts from 8:00 PM to 3:59 AM, with lights in buildings turning off at 12:00 midnight. A majority of areas in Sinnoh have slightly different music during the night, including Pokémon Centers, though this is not true in Kanto and Johto.

Generation V

In Pokémon Black and White, the concept of seasons was introduced. These are akin to the seasons in the real world, only to allow for less restrictive gameplay, the seasons change with every month.

Time of day now varies depending on the current season. As in HeartGold and SoulSilver, day is divided in four different parts: morning, when floodlights in the cities switch off and the sun starts to rise; daytime, when everything is lightened; evening, when the floodlights switch on in the cities and everything starts to be lit with an orange hue; and then nighttime, which is characterized by a darker landscape, both in the overworld map and in battle.

In favor of seasons, Pokémon are no longer found at different times of day, meaning Pokémon that one would suspect to find only at night will be found during all times of day.

Time of day in relation to season

Season Morning Day Evening Night
Spring 5:00 AM-9:59 AM 10:00 AM-4:59 PM 5:00 PM-7:59 PM 8:00 PM-4:59 AM
Summer 4:00 AM-8:59 AM 9:00 AM-6:59 PM 7:00 PM-8:59 PM 9:00 PM-3:59 AM
Autumn 6:00 AM-9:59 AM 10:00 AM-5:59 PM 5:00 PM-7:59 PM 8:00 PM-5:59 AM
Winter 7:00 AM-10:59 AM 11:00 AM-4:59 PM 5:00 PM-6:59 PM 7:00 PM-6:59 AM

Generation VI

Time continued to be based on the system clock in Generation VI, now using the 3DS's clock to track time. Seasons from Generation V did not carry over, however. Therefore, the intervals for when morning, day, evening, and night occur are now constant. Unlike in previous generations, where the time period transitions lasted a few seconds, they may last up to 15 minutes, allowing less abrupt changes in the overworld lighting. If the 3DS clock is changed, time-based events will not occur for 24 hours and any berries will reset.

Times of day

Morning Day Evening Night
4:00 AM - 10:59 AM 11:00 AM - 5:59 PM 6:00 PM - 7:59 PM 8:00 PM - 3:59 AM

Time-specific events

Please note that this section relates only to events that occur at specific times but not on a particular day. For events that occur only on specific days of the week please see Days of the week.

Time-based evolutions

With the introduction of time in Generation II, time-based evolutions were also introduced. The table below summarizes the in-game times during which Pokémon that evolve based on time can evolve in various games across the Generations. Since time was not implemented in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, these Pokémon cannot evolve in those games.

Games Day Night
 G  S  C  4:00 AM-5:59 PM 6:00 PM-3:59 AM
 R  S  E  12:00 PM-11:59 PM 12:00 AM-11:59 AM
 D  P  Pt 
 HG  SS 
4:00 AM-7:59 PM 8:00 PM-3:59 AM
 B  W 
 B2  W2 
Spring 5:00 AM-7:59 PM 8:00 PM-4:59 AM
Summer 4:00 AM-8:59 PM 9:00 PM-3:59 AM
Autumn 6:00 AM-7:59 PM 8:00 PM-5:59 AM
Winter 7:00 AM-6:59 PM 7:00 PM-6:59 AM
 X  Y  4:00 AM-7:59 PM 8:00 PM-3:59 AM

Generation II

  • Daisy will massage the player's Pokémon between 3:00 and 4:00 pm.
  • Officers will only challenge the player at night from 6:00 pm to 3:59 am.

Generation III

Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald

  • The tides in Shoal Cave depend on the time of day. It is high tide from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and 9:00 pm to 3:00 am, and low tide from 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm and 3:00 am to 9:00 am.

Generation IV

Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum

  • Joggers will only challenge the player in the morning from 4:00 to 9:59 am.
  • Policemen will only challenge the player at night from 8:00 pm to 3:59 am.
  • The player can catch Rotom once from 8:00 pm to 3:59 am in the Old Chateau.
  • The Pal Park transfer can occur only once every 24 hours.

Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

  • Daisy will massage the player's Pokémon between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm.
  • Policemen will only challenge the player at night from 8:00 pm to 3:59 am.
  • Clair's phone number can be registered on any day between 6:00 am and 10:00 am at the Dragon's Den after battling her and Lance in the Dragon's Den.
  • Pryce's phone number can be registered on any day between 6:00 am and 10:00 am at the bottom of the Lake of Rage (not main area).
  • Lt. Surge's phone number can be registered on any day between 9:00 am and 11:00 am in front of the Power Plant after capturing Zapdos and the player arrives walking with a Pikachu.
  • Brock's phone number can be registered on any day between 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm at the Pewter entrance to Diglett's Cave.
  • Whitney's phone number can be registered on any day between 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm at the Goldenrod Department Store on the 6th floor.
  • Jasmine's phone number can be registered on any day between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm at Olivine Diner.
  • Blue's phone number can be registered on any day between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm at Pallet Town, from Daisy after she massages one of the player's Pokémon 7 times.
  • Misty's phone number can be registered on any day between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm at the end of Route 25 to the east of Bill's Sea Cottage when Suicune is not there.
  • Janine's phone number can be registered on any day between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm at the Pokémon League Reception Gate in front of Victory Road.

Generation V

  • Trainers may be battled every day in the Big Stadium and Small Court. However, they cannot be battled during sports events that occur during certain times and days of the week.
  • The Royal Unova can be boarded only during the evening.
  • A businessman in Lacunosa Town gives out a Pecha, Leppa, Lum, or Bluk Berry on Sundays during nighttime.
  • The Black Empoleon biker gang will "take over" the Tubeline Bridge on Friday evenings and nights, and their leader can be challenged.
  • A girl on Route 8 will give out one of four weather rocks per day. The rock changes depending on the time of day:
Time of Day Rock given
Morning Damp Rock
Day Heat Rock
Evening Smooth Rock
Night Icy Rock

Generation VI

  • At the Juice Shoppe in Lumiose City:
    • Pre-made Berry juice is sold to the player once a day.
    • Juice may be made for free from berries from the player's inventory once a day.
  • Lumiose Galettes may be purchased for $100 ($80 if the player is more stylish) for four hours at a time starting at 3 AM, 9 AM, 3 PM, and 9PM.
    • Once per day, the player may also receive a free Moomoo Milk if they purchase a galette during the hours of 3 AM, 9 AM, 3 PM, or 9 PM.
  • In Camphrier Town lives a man who makes daily requests to see a specific Pokémon type that is giving off good vibes. If the player shows him a Pokémon bearing requested type, he will reward them a berry of their choosing.
    • A Maid in the same house will also give the player a Sweet Heart once per day as well.
  • A massage therapist in Cyllage City will massage the player's lead Pokémon once a day.
  • Route 18's Psychic Inver will battle the player in an Inverse Battle once a day.
  • Between 8 PM and 9 PM, Mega Stones can be found after upgrading the Mega Ring.

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Conquest

The shortest unit of time measured in Pokémon Conquest is a month (not real time). Every story starts on January, Year 1. In two stories (The Rebel and Tragic Determination), the goal is to defeat Nobunaga before January, Year 4 (before 3 years had passed).

Opposing armies will only attack at the very start of the month, except for one time in The Legend of Ransei where Shingen or Kenshin attack after they decline a battle with the player.

This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.