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Pryce's Piloswine ヤナギのイノムー Yanagi's Inomoo
 Pryce's Piloswine
Pryce's Piloswine (Japanese: ヤナギのイノムー Yanagi's Inomoo) is Pryce's main Pokémon in the anime and games.
In the anime
Pryce had obtained Piloswine somewhere in his youth. During a tournament Pryce entered in, Piloswine managed to defeat a Nidoking with a Take Down, a Golem with a Fury Attack, and an Ursaring with a Blizzard, freezing it in the process. Piloswine was on a roll until it went up against a Trainer with a Magmar. Pryce was confident that Piloswine was going to defeat Magmar, though. The battle began and one of Magmar's attacks burnt the Ice-type. When Magmar used Fire Blast to finish it off, Pryce jumped in the way to prevent it from getting hurt. As a result, both Pryce and Piloswine suffered burns and were taken to a cottage. Piloswine left the cottage to get some herbs to cure Pryce from his burns. However, it did not come back, leading Pryce into thinking that it abandoned him.
Many years later, Ash and Pryce went into a cave where they found Piloswine. It was revealed that Piloswine managed to get the herbs but fell down and became frozen. Pryce was happy to reunite with his old friend. Ash melted the ice surrounding Piloswine with Cyndaquil's Flamethrower. With Piloswine thawed out, Pikachu then used Thunder Shock on the Ice-type to give it more energy. With Piloswine revived, Pryce was then told by Piloswine that it remembered him. Piloswine used Rest to recover from the wounds it suffered from. Ash, Pryce and Piloswine left the cave and reunited with Sheila, Misty and Brock. Team Rocket showed up and Piloswine took on their Arbok and Weezing. Piloswine attacked them with Fury Attack first and then froze them with Blizzard, leaving Pikachu to finish them off.
In Nice Pryce, Baby!, Pryce groomed Piloswine before his upcoming Gym battle. He sent it out after his Dewgong was defeated by Cyndaquil. Piloswine began with Blizzard which took Cyndaquil out in one hit. Pikachu was then sent out. Pikachu was hit by Piloswine's barrage of Blizzard attacks. Pikachu took advantage of this after one of the Blizzards formed an ice pillar, by having him slide under Piloswine and use Thunder. This hurt Piloswine, but it used Rest to recover. After waking up, Piloswine countered Pikachu's Quick Attack with a combination of Take Down and Fury Attack. Pikachu used Thunderbolt but it had no effect this time. Piloswine once again used the earlier used combo and started to get tired. Pryce threw in the towel and went up to Piloswine, rewarding it for a job well done.
It reappeared in a flashback in Why? Wynaut!.
Personality and characteristics
Piloswine is considered to be part of Pryce's family as seen in various flashbacks during its debut episode. However, Pryce's opinion about Piloswine changed after it left and didn't come back. Years later, he was still the same until Ash and Pryce found Piloswine frozen in a cave.
Moves used
Using Blizzard
A † shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.
In the games
As mentioned above, Piloswine is also Pryce's main Pokémon in the games. It appears in Gold, Silver, and Crystal and its remakes, as well as in both rounds of Pokémon Stadium 2.
In the manga
Pryce's Piloswine in the Pokémon Pocket Monsters manga
In the Pokémon Pocket Monsters manga
Piloswine makes an appearance in Ice World. When Clefairy puts on a Piloswine costume, Pryce's Piloswine is angered and attacked it. When Piloswine returned, the battle between Clefairy and Swinub was called off and both Pryce and Swinub were able to see it again.
Related articles
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Piloswine.