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Salamè was originally a Pokémon owned by Professor Sycamore. One day, it ran away from Sycamore's lab and took a nap in the flowerbeds on Route 4. As it slept, its tail accidentally came in contact with the flowers, setting them ablaze. The fire was put out by the Froakie that traveled with X and his friends. When Froakie and Chespin recognized Charmander, X's friends realized it must belong to Professor Sycamore. They decided to take Charmander to return it to the professor, but it was taken by Sina and Dexio after they mistook X's group for thieves. Using his Roller Skates, Tierno took back Charmander and explained the situation to Sina and Dexio.
At Lumiose City, Professor Sycamore thanked X and his friends for returning Charmander to him. While Trevor and the others went somewhere else, Professor Sycamore questioned why X didn't let Chespin on his team. When X explained why, Professor Sycamore decided to have a battle and made X use Chespin while he used Charmander. X agreed, but refused to actively take a part in the battle, forcing Chespin to fight by itself. With no Trainer and at a type-disadvantage, Chespin was dealt heavy blows, but it refused to give up. Chespin's determination impressed X enough to actually take a part in he battle, but Chespin was eventually defeated. After the battle was over, X decided to keep Chespin and named it Marisso and asked to take Charmander, which he nicknamed Salamè.
At the Prism Tower, Salamè teamed up with Kanga and Marisso to battle the Lumiose Press editor-in-chief to protect Alexa. Due to the editor-in-chief's Spewpa's Rage Powder, Salamè and Marisso were enraged, preventing them from listening to X's commands. Eventually the Spewpa were defeated, but Salamè and Marisso were left exhausted, allowing Pangoro to grab them with its paws. When Salamè released its tail, the flame came in contact with the leaf in Pangoro's mouth, burning it and caused Pangoro to be weakened, allowing Kanga and Li'l Kanga to send it flying out of a window.
At Laverre City, Salamè trained alongside Marisso, Y, Tierno, and Shauna under the tutelage of Gurkinn. Eventually, Salamè and Marisso evolved into a Charmeleon and Quilladin, respectively.
Personality and characteristics
Salamè is often seen in the company of Marisso, who was also a Pokémon owned by Professor Sycamore. Salamè has a habit of holding his tail, which he retained even after evolving.