User talk:Emilywake

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Magiana, the Newest Legendary!

Magiana as seen in CoroCoro

This is the newest type of Pokèmon, as reviewed in CoroCoro!

US Name: ?? Jp. Name: Magiana

Type: ??-type Classification: Man-Made Pokémon Height: 1.0m Weight: 80.5kg Ability: ??

First Appearance: ?? (Possibly the new movie but it could come before)

Details: Magiana was first revealed in February 2016 in conjunction with the upcoming movie Volcanion and the Contriving Magiana. It is a Man-Made Pokémon, created by humans 500 years ago. It posses a metalic body, text confirms it was 'made by human hands'. It is a Mythical Pokémon.


Emilywake (talk) 20:04, 10 February 2016 (UTC)

Mega Evolution Special IV

This is merely fan speculation coming from how the first three Mega Evolution Specials are named. I know the Pokémon Wikia has this speculation, but TPCi might use another name, so for now, Mega Evolution Special IV is pure speculation. - PokémonGamer* 14:54, 8 November 2015 (UTC)