Pokémon Blue Version (Japanese)

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Pokémon Blue Version
ポケットモンスター 青

Box art of Pokémon Blue Version, depicting Blastoise.
Basic info
Platform: Game Boy (enhanced for the Super Game Boy and Super Game Boy 2)
Category: RPG
Players: 2 players simultaneous
Connectivity: Game Link Cable (Game Boy)
3DS Wireless (3DS VC)
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Part of: Generation I core series
GSRR: 6+ (3DS VC)
Release dates
Japan: October 15, 1996 (Game Boy, CoroCoro Comic)[1][2]
October 10, 1999 (Game Boy, retail)[1][2]
February 27, 2016 (3DS VC)
North America: As Red and Blue:
September 30, 1998 (Game Boy)
February 27, 2016 (3DS VC)
Australia: As Red and Blue:
November 1, 1998 (Game Boy)
February 27, 2016 (3DS VC)
Europe: As Red and Blue:
October 8, 1999 (Game Boy)
February 27, 2016 (3DS VC)
South Korea: N/A
Hong Kong: February 27, 2016 (3DS VC)
Taiwan: February 27, 2016 (3DS VC)
Japanese: The Pokémon Company (Game Boy)
The Pokémon Company (Virtual Console)
Nintendo (Game Boy)
Nintendo (Virtual Console)
English: N/A

Pokémon Blue Version (Japanese: ポケットモンスター 青 Pocket Monsters: Blue) is the third core series Pokémon game for Game Boy, released in Japan on October 15, 1996 exclusively to subscribers of CoroCoro Comic[1][2] and on October 10, 1999 to general retail[1][2] as a minor revision of Pokémon Red and Green Versions, which were released earlier that year. It was thus the first solitary version in the core series Pokémon games.

On November 12, 2015, a Nintendo Direct announced that Blue will be released in Japan on February 27, 2016, the Pokémon 20th Anniversary, for the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console.

Various fixes in the game include a graphics and sound upgrade, as well as the removal of several known glitches that had been found in the original pair. Like its paired predecessors, it was never truly released outside of Japan; however, while Red and Green provided the wild Pokémon and game-exclusive Pokémon lists for the rest of the world's Pokémon Red and Blue, Blue provided the graphics, game engine, and script for translation.


Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Much as would become standard for solitary versions, players follow the plot of the previous two games. Like in Red and Green, the player starts in Pallet Town in the Kanto region, receiving a starter Pokémon from Professor Oak. As before, the choices are Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle, and the rival chooses the starter that is super-effective against the player's starter.

Once more, the eight Gym Leaders of Kanto are Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge, Erika, Koga, Sabrina, Blaine, and Giovanni, while the Elite Four are Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha, and Lance, with the rival still in the Champion's place.

Again, the evil Team Rocket is causing chaos across the region, and it is up to the player to defeat them.

Changes from Red and Green

  • Kanto is aesthetically redesigned, with the design of doors, signposts and other tilesets redesigned. Cerulean Cave, the game's final dungeon, receives the most significant overhaul, sporting a completely different layout. These designs would later be reused for the international Pokémon Red and Blue. Indigo Plateau remains unaltered.
  • All Pokémon have new front sprites but retain the same back sprites from Red and Green. Trainers and the literal Ghost have the same sprites from Red and Green. The sprites from Blue would later be used in the international Pokémon Red and Blue.
  • Pokémon have new Pokédex entries.
  • In-game trades are changed to different Pokémon.
  • Game Corner prizes and slot machine icons are different.
  • The introduction of the game features a battle between a Gengar and a Jigglypuff, as opposed to a Gengar and a Nidorino, as it was in Pokémon Red and Green. This change carried on into the localized version of Pokémon Blue, while the original appeared in the localized Pokémon Red.
  • The places where some Pokémon are obtainable was changed:
  • A small number of glitches were fixed:
    • A glitch that allows the player to surf from the top of a cliff was removed.
    • A glitch where the game mistakenly believes the player has beaten Sabrina (when they actually lost to her) was removed.
  • MissingNo. was given the placeholder Pokédex entry コメント さくせいちゅう Comment to be written. and became the ??? species. This was not translated, resulting in a glitched Pokédex entry in the localized Pokémon Red and Blue and the corruption of MissingNo.'s original height and weight (1.0 m (3.3 ft) and 10.0 kg (22.1 lb), respectively), showing instead a height of 10.0 ft (3.1 m) and a weight of 3507.2 lb (1590.8 kg).[3]
By ChickasaurusGL
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.



Much as in Red and Green, there are eight Pokémon Gyms in Kanto, each with their own type affiliation. The Gym Leaders are Brock (Rock), Misty (Water), Lt. Surge (Electric), Erika (Grass), Koga (Poison), Sabrina (Psychic), Blaine (Fire), and Giovanni (Ground).

Elite Four

The Elite Four at Indigo Plateau also remains unchanged, with Lorelei (Ice), Bruno (Fighting), Agatha (Ghost), and Lance (Dragon). The Champion is Blue, who has no type specialization.


Blue did not introduce any new Pokémon, and so the 151 present in Red and Green are the only ones obtainable. Like Red and Green, some Pokémon are missing from Blue and must be traded from another game to complete the Pokédex or evolved from less powerful forms.

Missing Pokémon

The following Pokémon are not obtainable in Pokémon Blue. In order to obtain any of the below Pokémon, they must be traded from one of the paired versions of Generation I, or from Generation II. The table below indicates which paired Generation I game has that Pokémon available.

0023 Ekans Ekans
Poison R
0024 Arbok Arbok
Poison R
0037 Vulpix Vulpix
Fire GY
0038 Ninetales Ninetales
Fire GY
0056 Mankey Mankey
Fighting RY
0057 Primeape Primeape
Fighting RY
0069 Bellsprout Bellsprout
Grass Poison GY
0070 Weepinbell Weepinbell
Grass Poison GY
0071 Victreebel Victreebel
Grass Poison GY
0125 Electabuzz Electabuzz
Electric R
0126 Magmar Magmar
Fire G


Like in Red and Green, players may trade Pokémon between two cartridges using a Game Boy Game Link Cable. To take full advantage of this feature, several Pokémon are exclusive to each game of the pair, making it required that a person trade with others in order to complete their Pokédex. The Game Link Cable also makes possible battles with another player, allowing one to pit their Pokémon against new challenges. The game can trade and battle with Japanese versions of Pokémon Red, Green, Blue and Pokémon Yellow. It can also trade with Japanese versions of Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal via the Time Capsule. Pokémon Blue is completely incompatible with games from Generation III onward.

Trades between Pokémon games in different languages are possible in this generation; however, a Japanese game cannot connect with a non-Japanese game. The latter will always result in corruption if attempted. This is due to the fact that the games cannot automatically translate the Pokémon data from Japanese to a different language or vice versa, since there is not enough room on either cartridge for all of the text, namely kana and the Latin alphabet (a feature that later became possible). If a battle between a Japanese game and a non-Japanese game is attempted, the battle simply does not work, with the save files left unharmed.

Pokémon Blue is compatible with Pokémon Stadium, Pokémon Stadium 2 (released as Pokémon Stadium in English) and Pokémon Stadium Gold and Silver (released as Pokémon Stadium 2 in English). While link battles are not possible directly between Red and Blue and the Generation II games, a player may challenge a Generation II game using Pokémon Stadium Gold and Silver.

Virtual Console

The Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console release uses 3DS wireless communication as a substitute for the Game Link Cable. It also will allow Pokémon to be moved to Pokémon Bank in the future.

Japanese and non-Japanese Generation I core series games do not recognize each other when attempting to link them via 3DS wireless communication, where they can then be sent to Pokémon Sun and Moon.

Differences in the Virtual Console release

This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Complete list of moves with revised animations

The Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console release can communicate with other Virtual Console versions via Nintendo 3DS wireless communication, simulating the Game Link Cable. In the games, this is accessed from a menu on the touch screen.

In the future, the games will be able to send Pokémon to Pokémon Bank, from where they can be sent to Pokémon Sun and Moon.

The animations for some moves were changed to reduce to amount of flashing in order to prevent having negative health effects on people with photosensitive epilepsy.


Main article: Pokémon Red and Green beta

An error made during development causes the Pokémon depicted during Professor Oak's introductory lecture to be a Nidorino but with the cry of a Nidorina. This was already the case in the Japanese Red and Green and it was not fixed in Red and Blue.


Main article: Game Boy: Entire Pokémon Sounds Collection CD

The soundtrack release for Pokémon Red and Green also applies to Pokémon Blue.


Main article: Staff of Pokémon Red and Blue#Staff list



Dated September 30, 1999 (source)


External links


This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.