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Glittering Mountain (Japanese: キララ山 Mt. Mica) is a dungeon that, like the dungeon before it is located within the backyard of Serene Village's school, in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon. It is also the first dungeon to introduce Traps. The first time the player and partner come through the mountain is during the events of Chapter 4, when Vice Principal Watchog tutors the children on Looplets and Emeras. Again, like the dungeon before it, the objective is to capture the flag, but unlike the School Forest, the player is allowed to bring their own items rather than being supplied by the school for items and the partner is not on the player's side this time, meaning the students are once again split into teams: formulated of the player, Deerling, and Espurr and the partner, Goomy, and Pancham. The player's team are yet again successful in navigation of the dungeon as well as capturing their flag first.
This is the second of a series of dungeons that cannot be revisited in the main storyline upon completing the dungeon. Subsequent visits from hereon must be made through Pelipper Island.
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